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Still bothered and confused by what Professor Dumbledore had told her, Maykha was sitting on her favorite sofa in the common room late at night. She's been trying to think of possible ways to make everything make sense but she couldn't think of any. Who were those people? What were those people?

Those questions have been bugging her for days yet she couldn't find an answer, Professor Dumbledore wasn't much of a great help either, it was as if the old professor was speaking in riddles that she could not understand and only made her confusion worse.

Maykha frustratedly ruffled her hair when she heard someone laughed behind her, when she turned around she saw Fred and George holding something.

"Have you gone completely mental, Maykha?" George asked her teasingly. One of Maykha's considered talents was to be able to tell the twins apart which was a damn impossible thing to do for others and she was quite proud of it.

"Probably." Maykha said as she burried her face on the pillow next to her.

Fred and George looked at each other, finding it weird that Maykha wasn't in her usual self, before playfully smirked.

"Are you thinking the same thing, Georgie?"

"Certainly, Freddie."

Then, the twins went towards Maykha, grabbed her by her arms and dragged her out of the common room.

"Where the bloody hell are you taking me?" Maykha protested as she struggled to get out from the twin's grasps. "It's illegal to kidnap a child, you gits!"

"Just shut your mouth, Igy, this is going to be fun." Fred said excitedly.

One thing about the twins is that when they say 'fun', it was the exact same definition of her 'fun'. So, she just went along with them and let them take her to wherever they were going to take her. Hopefully, not something along the lines of throwing her in the Great Lake or something.

They arrived at the trophy room and hide behind the wall. There they saw Mr. Filch, rubbing Mrs. Norris's fur lovingly, which was an odd sight for Maykha. The always grumpy Mr. Filch was surpringly soft when it comes to his cat.

"You know guys, I've been Mrs. Norris married?" Maykha asked in whisper that made the two look at each other and laughed.

"We've been asking the same thing." they answered in chorus.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?"

"We're going"

"To have"

"Some fun"

"With Filch"

Maykha's eyes went back and forth to the twins as they finish off each other's sentence until they looked at each other again and covered their mouths.

"That sounded weird," they said and laughed

"It did."

All Maykha could do was to shake her head in disbelief and asked herself why did she let these two lunatics drag her into their troubles. Good for her, she was not someone who backs away from trouble. It was her second nature, and she was up for it.

They pulled out the thing that they had been carrying and it looked like a small bomb that changed color from pink to orange to yellow. Maykha looked at the twins in confusion, "What are these?"

"Our new product," they said proudly. She heard from Ron that his two brothers had been planning on making a joke shop when they graduate from Hogwarts so, as early as now they have been inventing products to sell but, unfortunately their experiment victims were the staffs and students in the castle.

"What is it called?" Maykha asked.

"Don't know yet but it's bloody hilarious. Look at this," Fred threw the bomb towards Mr. Filch and when it hit the ground in front of him it exploded with pinkish-yellow smoke that made it hard for Maykha to see what happened to Filch.

"Wha-" the twins silenced Maykha and pointed Filch who was now walking with pink Mrs. Norris. Maykha was trying so hard not to laugh at Filch because he looked like someone who played dress-up in the dark. His hair changed into a longer one that changes color like the bomb that was thrown at him and...

"Merlin's eye bags," her eyes became wide, "Is that...make up he's wearing?"

Her question was answered by the twins' laughter before looking back at Filch who looked like he was ready to slaughter whoever did this to them, although he had very specific persons in mind who were brave enough to receive his wrath.

"Uhh guys, I think we should run," Maykha suggested as she noticed that Filch was going towards them.

The two stopped laughing and quickly agreed to Maykha.

They were joking about Filch as they ran away from the angry caretaker, satisfied by the result of their prank.

"I must admit, that was hilarious", Maykha said, still running.

"Of course, it's our product we're talking abo-", Fred didn't have the chance to finish his sentence as he bumped into something that made hin stumbled on the ground. George and Maykha stopped and proceeded on helping him and when they looked up to see where did Fred bump into, they saw the stern face of Professor McGonagall, raising her right brow while looking down at them.

"Should I still ask what you three are u- Merlin's beard!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed in horror the moment she saw Mr. Filch, "Mr. Filch! You look rather...colorful," she said, not having the right word to describe how their caretaker looked liked.

The three burst into laughter as they saw embarrassment on Filch's face.

"These...these three did this, Professor!" Filch said pointing at them and they became quiet. Maykha just smiled at Professor McGonagall hoping it would work.

McGonagall on the other hand, doesn't seemed to be surprise that the girl was involved in this prank. It's even as if she was expecting this to happen, but she must not give the kids the satisfaction of getting away with this so easily.

"Miss Iglehart, Mr. and Mr. Weasely...detention!"


"I'm bloody tired!" Maykha complained as she continued wiping one of the tables in the Great Hall.

"Quit complaining, Igy! You'll get used to this, just like Fred and I. Right, Fred?", George, who was mopping the floor, asked Fred who was also wiping one of the tables.

"Right, George!" Fred agreed.

"Merlin, just how many times have you two been in detentions huh?"

"No idea", the twins answered in unison.

Maykha just smiled at herself. She admit, she too had a lot of fun that night and for a moment, her mind forgot the thing that was bothering her. Instead, she was already thinking of tagging Neville along to let him know the real definition of fun.

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