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"Iggy, run! He's going to get us!" Fred yelled while trying to escape from the outrage of Percy with Maykha and George. They were again successful in pranking their favorite victim and were satisfied as they all saw Percy's face red with rage.

"Oh no, the monster is coming!" George said referring to Percy who was coming out of his room with an expression looking like he was about to throw up.

Spending a great amount of time in the Burrow, Maykha developed a much closer relationship with the Weasleys. She enjoys pranking with the twins, playing with Ron and Ginny, helping Mrs. Weasley around the house, annoying Percy and educating Mr. Weasley about the muggles because apparently, the man had a tad obsession with anything related with muggles and she was more than willing to teach him.

She never had a dull moments in the burrow, every second was exciting and fun. They were very good at making other people feel as though they belong in their family.

Speaking of family, she had not heard from her parents since they departed. She figured that magic and technology were a bad combination, as magic interfered with technology and electronics. That means that even the cellular phone her parents left her with, it was practically useless. And there was no way she would allow Felix to travel abroad, because after she sent her from Japan to England, the owl almost bit her finger off for putting him on an exhausting mission. She could only hope that her parents were aware of this for them not to worry about her.

"Mum! Maykha, Fred and George set a dungbomb in my room again!" they heard Percy shouted from above. The three could not help but to laugh their arse off and high fived each other before finally settling down to the sofa near them.

"Good Merlin! Fred and George were already too much to handle. Having Maykha here would probably be the end of the Weasley's Burrow," Ron complained who immediately covered his nose when the smell of the dungbomb spread throughout the burrow.

Mrs. Weasley came in stomping to the living room with nose covered and brows twisted in a knot signifying that she's not very happy in "Merlin's beard! What's that obnoxious smell?! Percy, is it from your room again?!"

Percy went downstairs, covering his nose too, "Unfortunately, yes mum. These three are the culprits, again."

Mrs. Weasley glared mainly at Fred and George who were beside Maykha, obviously trying to control themselves from laughing while being scolded. The two seemed to find it amusing whenever they see their mum getting flustered because of the chaos they were causing around the house.

"Fred and George Weasley! You two never learn! How many times should I tell you that never ever, and I repeat, NEVER set that foul smelling bomb inside the house! Good beard of Merlin, now we have to deal with this smell for the next thirty-minutes again!"

Maykha must admit though, it really is quite amusing seeing Mrs. Weasley turns red from scolding her children, it was adorable and she looked like a talking angry tomato.

"But, might also want to scold Maykha too, she was also part of the crime, remember? " Fred protested and pointed at Maykha. The girl just smiled sweetly and innocently, which was her way of getting away from the thing she did easily. Although it did not work all the time, she knew Mrs. Weasley would be kind enough to let her pass again.

Just as she thought, Mrs. Weasley smiled at her sweetly, "Oh stop dragging Maykha into your mess!"

Maykha chuckled "You're absolutely correct, Mrs. Weasley"

When Mrs. Weasley went away, Fred and George glared at Maykha, but the girl wasn't buying any of their dramas so she got up and sat next to Ron.

"Sometimes we really wonder-"

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