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"When will this searching ever end?" Maykha complained as she exhaustedly read the texts in the book. She silently cursed on Nicholas Flamel for having so much little things written about him in the books, making it almost impossible to get any information about the man.

"I feel like we've searched the whole library," Ron added, "Are we sure that the man is even real?"

Just then, Hermione came walking, carrying a big book. She slammed it on the table making a loud noise and its dust went all over the place.

"I can't believe I forgot about this book! I came across the name of Nicholas Flamel when I did a light reading before."

Ron snorted. "You call this 'light'?"  but his question was answered by nothing but a scowl from the girl.

Hermione opened the book and quickly found the name they were looking for. "Here it is, Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"

"The what?" the four asked in unison.

"Honestly guys, don't you four read?", Hermione said with an eye roll. "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It'll transform any metal into pure gold and produces the elixir of life which will make the drinker immortal."

"Immortal?" Ron asked.

Hermione looked up and frowned, "It means you'll never die."

Ron was just about to defend himself but the rest of his friends looked at him as if asking him to shut up.

Neville turned his head back to the book and to Hermione, "So, what's with this Philosopher's Stone?"

"Guys, don't you get it?" Hermione asked, "This is the thing that Fluffy is guarding, this is what Snape wants!"

Maykha frowned by the mention of the professor's name. They still hadn't drop the thought of Snape wanting to get that stone whatsoever. She believed in what Hagrid had told them, that Professor Snape was one of the people that protects that stone. Besides, be was one of the Hogwarts teachers. Surely, Professor Dumbledore would be wise enough to employ trustworthy people for the job.

"Why would Snape want that stone?" Maykha asked, bringing her friends to look at her.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"I mean, look," Maykha said, "Not to be judgemental or anything, but Snape doesn't really come across as someone who'd want to live forever, if you know what I mean."

"Then who else would want the stone?" Ron asked.

Maykha paused for a while and answered, "I don't know."

"See?" Ron said. "It must be him."

Maykha could only sigh in defeat as she questioned her friend's logic over the matter, but not wanting to argue any further, Maykha just fell silent and scanned one of the books piled on their table and pretending to listen to her friends as the discuss their plan in the said case.


The five were sitting in Potions as the Professor demonstrated the potion they were about to make. Although Maykha was trying her best to listen and watch, she could noy help but glance at her friends once in a while who were glaring at the professor.

With a successful hunt for Nicholas Flamel, her other friends became more suspicious of Professor Snape being the mastermind of this whole stone-stealing situation after they found out the use of that Philosopher's Stone.

She must admit, amongst all of the professors they had at Hogwarts, Professor Snape looked like he was most likely to be associated with some shady business as his appearance conveniently fit the character, but Maykha really doubted it.

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