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When Maykha finally thought things were getting better, she was then reminded of what scared her just a few days ago. The heir of Slytherin started attacking again and this time, it was not just a mere cat that became a victim, but a human, much to her terror. And it was Colin Creevey, a first year Gryffindor and a Muggleborn.

She sighed unconsciously. There was the feeling again, in her stomach as if she ate something bad.

Potions class had just ended and but she wanted to stay inside the classroom for a little while. Her friends agreed, but Neville told her that he would wait for her outside when she was ready to go.

She sighed again, grabbing the attention of her professor who was just sitting on his desk, glaring at his student and wondering why the girl was still inside his classroom.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "May I know why you're still here, Miss Iglehart?"

The girl did not answer his question, but he did not need to hear it from her. It was just the other day that a muggle born had been attacked and petrified, and it was simply normal that his student would be scared for her safety as well. Perhaps, Severus was surprised by the fact that the girl had something she was afraid of, as she did not seem have showcased any signs of fears from the previous year.

He watched his student bury her head in her arms, "I don't want to go out, professor. He might find me."

It was a rare sight indeed, looking at his fearless student that was not being fearless as she was supposed to be.

He removed his gaze from the child and once again cleared his throat before speaking. "You'll be fine."


Maykha walked out of the potion's classroom and was immediately greeted by Neville who stayed true to his words about waiting for her. She saw him leaning on the wall, cautiously looking at his surrounding. He only felt relieved when Maykha finally appeared.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yes, thank you for waiting, Nevy," Maykha smiled back. They two decided to head to the Great Hall, as they figured it was time for Ron to be hungry and fill his stomach with foods. She was just starting to feel hungry herself, and thought that food would be a great diversion from her problem.

Her mind went back to the conversation she shared with Professor Snape. What did the professor mean by she'll be fine? Was he just uttering words of comfort? Impossible. He was the Professor Snape after all, and she would believe that he hanged a student upside-down while telling them to brew potions easier than being a comforting teacher. Yet, he did. He sounded so comforting, and sure that the girl would be fine.

But why would he tell that? She was a muggle born, and every muggle borns knew they were anything but safe in the castle.

As they walked through their way to the Great Hall, they saw the twins busy with something in their hands. They smiled in unison when they spotted her and Neville.

"Hey there, our favourite Gryffindor!" George waved at them, "And you too, Longbottom."

Judging by the looks on their faces, Maykha immediately knew they were plotting something exciting.

She raised one eyebrow, "Who is it this time?"

"That bloody lunatic Lockhart," Fred answered honestly.

"Gave us a pile of homework without teaching a thing but his boring life." George added.

"He is arrogance made human," Fred said.

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