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Maykha knew he was a bad news the moment the Slytherin boy appeared in front of her. She proved this feeling to be true when the boy revealed himself as Tom Riddle, or Voldemort. It was a name ringed Maykha's ears. He was the one who tried to kill Harry when she was just a baby, the bad guy and the very reason as to why she never had a peaceful education in her two years of attending Hogwarts.

Tom simply preserved his younger self inside the diary Ginny picked up somewhere, manipulated the poor girl, and everything lead to where they were.

Maykha was mad for a lot of reasons. Not only because he was bad person who looked like he had a high intention of killing them both, nor because she just wanted to learn but him appearing every year to intervene their education, but also because he messed up Ginny's first year at Hogwarts. And for that, she would never forgive this man. She did not even care how much of a powerful dark wizard he was. For her, he was nothing but a bully. A coward who would attack weak children for his own selfish reasons.

In the middle of it all, Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, delivered them the sorting hat. What for, they did not know. They were not even given a chance to think when Tom finally let the basilisk out and started chasing them.

"Don't look at its eyes," Harry said while running.

Maykha obeyed but stumbled on top of Harry when the boy tripped.

"Harry, I swear to Merlin if we get to survive this I am going to skin you alive!" She threatened the boy as she tried to pull him up.

Harry did not move when Fawkes appeared again to attack the Basilisk, they watched the shadows of the two creatures as they fought, giving Harry and Maykha enough time to catch their breathes. The creature somehow delivered hope back into their hearts that they could get out of the chamber alive.

They heard nothing but the flap of the phoenix's wings and the groan of the Basilisk. Finally, the phoenix landed its final blow on the the serpent, leaving it blind. It made Maykha and Harry silently cheered for it gave them the advantage over the monster.

However, inside the chamber, not everyone was clearly happy with what happened.

"It may have become blind but it can still hear you very much!" Tom shouted.

The two did not have any plans of making Fawkes's help go to waste. So, when they looked at each other, as if they read each other's minds, they ran towards the two sewage that went to opposite ways and separated.

Maykha went inside the left sewage to hopefully confuse the Basilisk, but when the monster went after Harry, she knew she had to do something. She started making sounds – splashing the water, hitting the wall, and throwing stone here and there in order to distract the monster. As the Basilisk paused to look at her direction, she knew her trick worked.

When she saw the Basilisk went out of the sewage where Harry was and started crawling towards her place, she ran as fast as she could and avoided the monster. She got reunited with Harry who ran with her away from the Basilisk and back to where Tom was standing. They stopped and stood, back against each other as Harry faced Tom and Maykha anxiously faced the serpent.

"Ah yes, just take your time playing with my Basilisk. The more time you take, the more powerful I become." Tom said, a smile formed from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, they heard Neville's voice echoed inside the chamber from where he was hiding with Ginny. "Harry, Maykha! Ginny's body is becoming colder and colder and I don't know what to do!"

The reality of their situation hit both of them, they need to make haste, otherwise it would cost them their friend's life.

Ginny was just starting her year as a student, and Maykha had to make sure that she would not end it inside the cold chamber.

As the basilisk started approaching them, she noticed something shining from the sorting hat Fawkes had delivered earlier. She nudged Harry to get his attention, and they saw a sword suddenly appeared. A plan started forming inside their head, they were like Fred and George that moment. They did not need any verbal communication as their brains seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Go, Harry, I will take care of this Slytherin git over here," Maykha encouraged.

Harry ran as fast as he could and grabbed the sword from the hat. Maykha wanted to watch Harry and make sure he was safe, but her attention needed to be pinned on Tom in front of her.

"One wrong move, Tom, and you'll regret you even stepped out of the diary at all," she said, pointing her wand at him.

Her threat did nothing but make the boy laugh. "What are you gonna do, then? Kill me? You know, I recognise you now. I was a fool for not recognising something so simple."

Maykha's brows turned into a know, confused as to what Tom was talking about.

"Oh, you still don't know anything, I suppose? Dumbledore was a greater fool for not telling you!" Tom then raised his hands, as if he was inviting her to take it "come with me and I will tell you everything you need to kno-"

Tom was cut when Harry suddenly called her name.


She saw Harry on top of the head statue and the Basilisk has been slain without her even noticing.

"Catch!" Harry held something out, it was the Basilisk's fang, and threw it to Maykha. She failed to catch it and Tom took that opportunity to race against her to take the fang away.

"You can't ruin my plan!" Tom shouted as he tried to stop Maykha but failed.

With her wand gripped tightly, she pointed it towards Tom once more and grinned, "Oh, I think I can. Stupefy!"

"Maykha, hurry!"

"Don't pressure me, you idiot!"

Her spell made Tom stunned, gaining her the advantage of getting the fang and before Tom could even move again, Maykha stabbed the diary.

"NO!" It was too late for Tom to stop the girl, as the diary bled in black ink, he began vanishing until he was nowhere to be found.

It was only then Maykha's whole body collapsed and not so long after, Harry also collapsed next to her. Fatigue caught up to her whole body as the adrenaline rush subsided.

"We won, didn't we?" She whispered to Harry.

"Yes. Yes we did."

She remembered hearing Neville's voice before everything went black.

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