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Neville was not really looking forward to summer. As summer for him means being inside their home for a very long time, alone, or if his grandmother would offer him a company, only to make things even more awkward. The only things that kept him up at night were writing letters to his friends and waiting for their letters in return, and it was Maykha's letters that he was the most excited to receive. He did not want to take bias and pick favourites amongst his friends, but Maykha was different. How the girl was different than the rest was still an idea that his mind was yet able to grasp itself onto. In their letters, they never mentioned about the kiss Maykha had planted on Neville's cheek, and though Neville was not sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to leave it unspoken, he was quite relieved as he did not even know what to say about that.

Whenever he had remember that moment, he would often find himself in a daze and catch himself touching the cheek that his friend had kissed. And although he was not particularly close with his grandmother, he would often see her looking at him with a playful look in her eyes as she revealed that she saw what Maykha did. He noticed though, his grandmother was starting to be less strict and uptight with him when he mentioned what he did in his second year, telling his grandmother that he went to the Chamber of Secrets to save Maykha and Ginny with Harry and Ron. He was expecting an hour of lectures and scoldings but it came to him as a surprise when his grandmother praised him instead. Compliments and praises were rare from the old woman's mouth, he did not even remember when was the last time his grandmother had ever praised him for something, but there she was, ecstatic that her grandson had put his life in danger.

He knew how much his grandmother valued the Gryffindor traits, and it did not take a genius to figure out that she was disappointed with Neville as he was not only the complete opposite of what the house had represented, he was also the opposite of what his parents had been. She would often pressure him to step out of his comfort zone, only for him to be more scared and continued to do the opposite. He was a lost cost, as his grandmother would often tell him, and even though he knew she did not mean ill about it, he could not help but grow more and more frustrated with himself.

But then, Maykha happened. In a span of two years, she did what his grandmother had failed to do. He knew something was changing in him little by little, and though he was not what others would associate bravery with, he knew he was already making a progress.

Back when Maykha was missing after Ron and Harry came back from Hagrid's hut, all he could ever think of was her. He could not hear nor see his surroundings as his mind was full with worry for his friend that the reality of the danger they were facing did not even occur to him until they were all brought to the Hospital Wing to be checked. It was there when he realized that he could have died back in the chamber, and it was not just the monster that was in there, but also the Dark Lord himself. Fear had caught up with him as he shivered for quite a while, and he only calmed down when Madam Pomfrey gave him a drop of the Draught of Peace.

Neville was not known for his bravery, recklessness maybe, but never bravery. But it was when they reached the chamber and he immediately dashed towards Maykha that he thought he was brave (or reckless) enough to hurt whoever hurt his friend. Of course, it was just a thought and he was even ashamed of himself for having that kind of idea cross his mind when he sobered up. Everyone knew Maykha was stronger and braver, and she was very much capable of defending herself whenever she was in danger, he knew that, but for once he wanted to save her. He wanted to shield her. He wanted to be of help for her. And admittedly, he was frustrated that by the end, Maykha and Harry defeated the enemy by themselves, and he knew that if he stayed with them, he would only cause more trouble than help.

He even had Professor Flitwick teach him some spells that could protect his friends, but he ended up not using any of them.

However, when Maykha thanked him for staying next to her and for coming to save her, it brought an unfamiliar feeling in his chest. It felt good but he wanted more, he wanted Maykha to rely on him more, and for it to happen he knew he needed to be braver, but that part of his thought was where he felt so lost.

He defeatedly threw himself on his bed and groaned as his body hit the mattress, not knowing what the hell to do for his growing frustration and feelings all at once. He had no idea how to be brave, it was not his area of specialty.

"If only mum and dad were here," he could only mutter to himself. If only his parents were here, maybe they would know better how to handle him and help him face his fear.


A lightbulb suddenly flashed in his mind as he was starting to come up with a plan of what to do with his time. He looked around his room and grimaced when he saw his flying broom sitting on one of the corners. It looked as if it was new considering how he never touched a broom again without shaking in fear after his accident back in his first year. Every time he tried to pick up a broom, the memory of it being so uncontrollable came haunting his mind. If not for Maykha, it would have been worse. Yet since then, he had mounted a broomstick again.

He swallowed his saliva, hoping that he swallowed his fear along with it, as he pushed himself up to get the broom. The first step to being brave is to face one's fears.

With the broom in his hand, he went down with determination and called out his grandmother. "Gran, can you send a letter to Grand-uncle Algie? I need him to help me with something."

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