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Maykha had always loved Hallowe'en. Not only because it was a day for her to dress up in scary costumes, but also because it would signify that her birthday was also coming near.

Peering down the window of the Gryffindor's common room, Maykha saw everyone busy. From teachers to students, they were all swamped from decorating the whole school for the event. It was unfortunate for Maykha as she could not go room to room asking people trick or treats, she was still thrilled to see how the wizarding community celebrates this day.

She impatiently waited for her friends who were taking their dear time getting ready for the day. She rolled her eyes and decided that if those three won't go down in five minutes, she would eat her breakfast alone. She couldn't afford wasting her time during this special day waiting for her friends.

Thankfully, Neville, Harry and Ron went down in no time, with sleepiness still obvious from their faces. Maykha shook her head in disbelief. She could only wonder how could they take a shower and still be sleepy.

"You guys are unbelievably slow! I've been waiting for ages here and I was actually thinking of eating my breakfast without you," Maykha scolded the three but instead of feeling sorry, they just shrugged and chuckled.

"It's your fault Maykha, you wake up too early," Ron answered back that earned him a glare from the girl that made him whimper. "We're at fault, sorry."

"Whatever, come on now guys, I'm starving," she walked first. As she led others towards the Great Hall, Maykha held her locket and whipered her spell silently like usual.


"What? Filch in long hair wearing make-up?!" Ron exclaimed as Maykha told what happened to them last night.

"That's right. Oh, if you guys could only see the look on his face," Maykha laughed but her friends were quite disturbed by the idea of seeing Filch in that state.

"Great. Now, I am disturbed by that mental image," Neville complained, holding his head.

"It's not really that disgusting, Nevy," Maykha comforted Neville when Harry and Ron rolled their eyes. "What?"

"Don't use that nickname in front of us, we're jealous. You only think of Neville. What about us? Are we just some scho-", Maykha shoved a bacon into Harry's mouth to stop him from talking.

"You talk too much, Harry, and are we going make this thing a big deal again?" Maykha laughed in disbelief. This boy, the "The Boy Who Lived" as others called him, was fussing over a nickname.

"I'm just saying the truth," Harry said, chewing the bacon.

"Well, Ron already has a nickname or perhaps Ron, do you want me to call you Won-won?" Maykha asked Ron teasingly and the boy shook his head in disgust.

"I'd rather be called Ronald than that! Can't you think of anything else?"

Maykha laughed, "You liked that one, I see. Then from now on you're Won-won," she clapped her hands together as she continued on teasing the boy like she didn't hear Ron's complaint.

"Maykha!" Ron shouted at her but she didn't care, instead, Maykha faced Harry as she laughed.

"And you? Ha-ha?"

"You know what, the name Harry is quite fine, don't you think?"


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