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Examination week had proven to be rather tedious whether it be magical or not. Due to her attention being divided between the search for Nicholas Flamel and his Philosopher's Stone, Maykha found herself needing to catch up with the lessons she needed to understand further before their exams.

Thankfully, she did not find any difficulties in Charms, so much for being her strongest subject, but others not quite so. Fortunately, Hermione was more than willing to aid her with her studies, and she would run straight to Neville in matters relating to Herbology.

"Okay, what's the Transfiguration formula?" Asked Hermione as she tried to help Maykha review by asking her about one of the first and fundamentals of Transfiguration.

"Wait, I know this," Maykha said, tilting her head upwards with hopes for the answer to come out from the depths of her brain, "Transformation is directly influenced by body weight, represented by letter a, viscousness, which is represented by v, concentration, which is represented by c, and...and..."

"Come on, Maykha, just one more," Hermione pushed.

"...and a fifth unknown variable, represented by capital Z!" Maykha triumphantly slammed the table in the Great Hall where she and her friends, and a lot of other students were studying for the Exam Week as well. The slam of the table made some students turn their heads toward her, but some were too busy to even care.

"Good job, Maykha! You'll ace Transfiguration, I'm sure of it," Hermione happily complimented Maykha which made her happy as well. Getting a compliment from Hermione, especially if it was about her studies, felt like a huge accomplishment.

"Thank you, Mione, what would I ever do without you?" Maykha jokingly said as she hugged her friend.

If Maykha looked a tad enthusiastic about how her review was going on, the opposite could be seen from Ron who was busy playing with his chocolate frog cards, and Harry looked like he was trying at least.

Hermione could no longer take it anymore and she finally scolded the two, mostly Ron, who looked as if they cared less about their education. Unfortunately for Ron, they would be given an anti-cheating quill by Professor McGonagall to ensure the student's' integrity. The news brought a sour expression on Ron's face, and Maykha was just silently thanking all she could thank for for making her brain function properly.

Just as when Hermione scolded the two, Neville pushed the Herbology book to her front and nudged her lightly, "Do you also need help in Herbology?"

Maykha smiled as the boy looked as if he really wanted her to ask for his help so, even though she had gotten a good grasp of what she needed to learn and remember from their Herbology, she gave in and asked him questions she already knew the answers of.

One of the very few things Neville looked so confident about was Herbology, and Maykha did not want to make him feel as though he was not needed.

However, as Neville taught her the things she had already read, she was surprised to know some bits of new information she did not know she had missed.

"Thanks, Nevy! I think I missed that one when I read it yesterday. You're my saviour," Maykha said after they were done tackling all the Herbology lesson they needed.

"S-so," Neville looked away shyly, "D-do you also feel  l-lucky to have m-me like H-Hermione?"

Maykha knotted her brows, "What? Of course! That goes without saying."

Where his question came from, Maykha did not know, but relief washed over his face as he happily organized his things to prepare for their class, as their free period was about to end.


Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed like a pretty scary, or for Maykha's case exciting, when she first read it on her class list. But, even as the school year was about to end, she could not help but not take the class seriously as even their professor seemed like a joke.

The class was suppose to help them defend themselves against dark arts, dangerous wizards and beasts alike, but how could they even learn defense if their professor was afraid of even a wind brushing against his face.

"Do you think he's doing that on purpose?" Maykha whispered to Hermione as they sat next to each other.

"Which one?"

"You know, acting so scared all the time and all."

Hermione glanced back on their professor who was busy tripping himself over as he tried to teach them what Gytrashes looked like and what they are.

"I don't think so, have you seen his cuts and bruises from all the falling over he had just for this week? There's no way someone like him would willingly hurt himself by pretending," Hermione said. She had a point, but Maykha wondered what Professor Dumbledore was thinking for allowing someone like him to teach such a dangerous class as DADA.

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