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Riding the Hogwarts Express was slowly making its way on the list of things Maykha loved doing. There was something about riding a muggle-related thing in a magical world that she found funny yet comforting at the same time. With excitement to finally see her parents after such a long time, she was fluttering her feet that did not reach the floor as she sat by the window. She was in a compartment with Neville and Hermione, and the train was not as packed as it was during the start of the term with some students decided to stay at Hogwarts.

"What are your plans for the holiday?" Maykha asked her friends.

"Probably spend time with my parents and catch up on the books I have to read," Hermione answered, showing her a list of over fifteen book titles. Most of which Maykha was not familiar with.

Giving back the paper to Hermione, she turned her attention to Neville who was busy playing with his thumbs, "How about you, Nevy?"

"Uhm," he was unsure of what to say, "I think...I-I think me and Gran will celebrate it together?"

Maykha sensed that the boy was uncomfortable with the topic, so she knew she had to stop pressing him for more. Instead, she went on about her plans of going overseas and how excited she was to see her cousins after such a long time.

When the Hogwarts Express stopped, Maykha's heart leaped with joy as she stepped out of the train with Hermione and Neville. They first greeted an old woman who approached Neville and gave him a small hug.

"Gran, this is Hermione," Neville introduced Hermione who smiled and offered her hand to the woman. Neville's grandmother accepted the handshake with a stern expression, and Maykha was unsure if she was in a bad mood or it was her normal face.

"And this is Maykha."

It was her turn to smile and offer her hand, but as the woman accepted it, she looked at her with a knowing eyes. Maykha simply brushed it off and conviced herself that she was just a bit conscious of the old woman.

"You're Maykha, I see," the woman said, shaking her hand.

"I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Maykha said.

"Augusta is fine, I've heard so much about you," she said, smiling as if the old woman's knowledge of her was something pleasing.

"G-gran!" Neville called and his face was becoming red again, earning a chuckle from his grandmother.

Augusta reminded her of Professor McGonagall, they were not particularly close, but they were warming up slowly especially after she confronted her professor about her weird glances. But despite their stern face, Maykha could feel that their hearts were kind and genuine. Looking at Augusta, she knew she cared about Neville, perhaps even more than the boy could feel it.

Since muggles were not permitted to enter the platform, Maykha and Hermione met their parents after they left the barrier.

Maykha ran towards her parents, pushing her trolley of baggages, and hugged them immediately. Her mum and dad look a bit surprised to see her appear from nowhere, but they missed her too much to even care about her sudden appearance.

Maddison down and touched her daughter's cheeks, "Oh love, we missed you so so much!"

"I missed you too, mum," Maykha replied, finally reuniting with her family after what seemed to be forever of being away.

"How have you been, honey?" Her dad asked as he also pulled her into a bear-hug.

"Oh dad, I have a lot of things to tell you when we get home! Also, I will introduce you to some of the friends I made," Maykha proudly said. Her parents looked pleased because even though she wrote about her friends in her letters, it was the first time in her eleven years of life that she had friends to introduce to her parents.

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