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Maykha did not know that there would come a day where she would run late for the Hogwarts Express, and she did not know that by running late, the barrier might close and she would miss her entire second year. If it was not for Ron who slept like a log, they were probably already be in one of the compartments, sitting and just waiting for the train to move.

If there was one thing Maykha was thankful of, it would have been the chance of riding Mr. Weasley's flying car. It was a fun yet nauseating ride, as she quickly found out that driving was not the man's best department. Harry almost threw up, if it was not for her who clasped her hand on the boy's mouth and forced him to swallow whatever it was that attempted to escape from his mouth.

After they somehow and barely got through the Platform's barrier, the kids ran straight to the Hogwarts Express, giving their parents their farewell. They all wished Ginny a good luck as she was finally starting her first year.

As Maykha rushed  into the train, she luckily found Hermione and Neville in one of the compartments, saving them as seat to make things less hassle that they already had.

Maykha sat next to Hermione, panting and still catching her breath, "Merlin, I thought we wouldn't make it."

"You barely did, congratulations," Hermione said flatly, "What in the world happened?"

"It was because of Ron he was up till late at night and Merlin knows what he did, it was a pain waking him up."

"That being said," Maykha's ears ringed when Neville spoke, "Where's Ron and Harry?"

"Oh they're—," Maykha looked around only to realise Ron and Harry were not around. She also looked outside their compartment but the aisle was already clear from students who already settled inside their own compartments. That hit her, and she didn't feel good about this.

She looked back on her friends with a horrified expression and they seemed to get what the situation was, "Where are they?!"

"Don't ask us, Maykha you were the one who was with them!" Hermione said.

Neville snorted, "Merlin! The school year hasn't even started officially yet and we're already in trouble."


Maykha, Neville, and Hermione had left their compartment to search for their friends, hoping that they simply got lost inside the train, but their search was unfruitful when they failed to see even their shadows.

"I'm going to kill them both," Maykha said as they walked back into their compartment.

"That is if you'll be seeing them this year at all," Hermione said.

As they reached the entrance to their compartment, the Trolley Lady had just arrived on time, making Maykha forget the bad things she planned on doing to both Harry and Ron. Just as she was about to dig in her pocket for a couple of galleons, Neville stopped her.

"Let me, just choose whatever you want," the boy said, smiling, "You too, Hermione."

Maykha simply stood there for a moment, her eyes followed Neville as he made his way to the trolley to pick up some candies. There was something warm forming in her chest that had her eyes glued on Neville.

She was only able to blink again when someone nudged her side, "You okay?"

She faced Hermione, who already picked up a Chocolate Frog, and simply nodded in response, she said nothing anymore as it seemed as if her voice was lost inside her throat before she made her way to the trolley as well.


She turned around to see who called her name and there, she saw Cedric just arriving to where the trolley had stopped.

"Hey, Cedric. Here to buy too?" She asked.

"Yeah, I lost a bet with my friend, and I was tasked to buy her one of everything off the trolley," the boy said showing her a handful of galleons.

"You know Cedric Diggory?" Hermione leaned and whispered in her ears.

"Yeah, I got to know him last year while I was on my way to send a letter home," she answered.

"And you did not even mention it to us?"


Little did the girls know, as they were arguing about the popular boy in their school, Neville had his smile already faded from his lips as his eyes went back and forth from Maykha and the older Hufflepuff boy, not knowing how to describe the unpleasant feeling he was feeling inside his chest.

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