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Months had passed since Maykha gained knowledge of what she truly was, she was now sitting on the sofa in their living room as she waited for someone to come and fetch her to buy everything that she will be needing to school. At one point, she started to believe that the apperance of Professor Dumbledore was just a shared dream between her and her parents until they received a letter from the man, informing them that he will be sending someone to accompany the girl to buy her supplies for school.

With her eyes watching the outside of their window as she knelt on the sofa of their living room, she waited for her chaperone to arrive. She expected for their trip to a magical market, perhaps with dragons soarinh the sky, magic carpets being used as taxi, or something like a talking animal as the vendor. Needless to say, her imagination ran wild, keeping herself entertained while waiting.

Finally, when someone knocked on the door, Maykha wasted no time and ran with her full speed to greet whoever was behind the door. Much to her surprise, she had to walk out of the doorway just to have a full glance of the man's face. She was greeted by a gigantic man with bushy hair, and long, bushy beard.

However, her surprise was quickly exchanged with enthusiasm as she smiled widely and offered her hand to the giant. "Hi! My name is Maykha Polaris Iglehart, nice to meet you!"

With a warm smile, although barely noticeable with his thick beard, the man accepted her hand, "Hullo there, lil' Maykha. My name's Rubeus Hagrid, just Hagrid's fine, keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts."

Though Maykha did not want to appear rude, she could not help but let out a small squeal, she badly want to throw herself to the man and just lay on top of his belly which looked so soft and fluffy.

"Maykha, who's tha – OH MY GOD!" Her mother screamed as she place her hand on her chest.

Hagrid just smiled as he was tok familiar with the muggle's reaction.

"Mum, he's Hagrid and he'll be the one who will accompany me this day," Maykha happily said as she took Hagrid's hand to introduce him to her mother. The giant courteously bowed as his greeting.

Maddison, however, was already regretting that they accepted this whole magic thing, questioning whether or not it was safe for her daughter to be accompanied by a stranger, and not to mention, a giant. Hesitant as she was, she could only pray that she made the right decision to let her daughter go.


"So Hagrid, does the place that we'll go to right now has a flying magic carpet?" Maykha excitedly asked as she skipped next to Hagrid.

Hagrid chuckled, "I'm afraid no."

They were walking in the busy street of London where it is almost impossible to spot even one shop that sells anything magic related. People were going back and forth nothing unusual, but they had already encountered a lot of strange looks from left and right. Maykha thought that perhaps, it was their first time seeing a man as tall as Hagrid. It was her first too, but it did not make it any less amazing than having him as her chaperone.

"Okay, how about a talking animal vendor?"

Hagrid gave her a weird look, "No."

"A dragon flying in the sky?"


"Are you sure it's a magical place?"

Hagrid finally let out a hearty laugh, "We have dragons, a'right. Bu' witches an' wizards wan's ter shop peacefully withou' somethin' breathin' fire at them."

"Then, the flying carpet?"

"No' a carpe' bu' how 'bout a flyin' broom?" Hagrid said, moving his eyebrows up and down while smiling at Maykha.

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