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All the students who went to Hogsmeade returned little by little and the school started to be filled with students, their hands and pockets full of stuff they had gotten from the stores in the village, the Weasley twins were no different as they looked like they used all of their allowance to buy everything from Zonko's shelves.

"It's a good business strategy to know your opponent, Iggy," said Fred and Maykha asked what they planned to do with those items. They seemed to really be passionate about opening up a book shop once they graduated, which pleased Maykha as though they're all jokes and foolishness, at least know what to do with their lives after they graduate.

Neville was just like the twins, but instead of Zonko's, it seemed like he bought everything from Honeydukes and handed a couple of bags full of sweet, funny, and odd-looking treats.

"Are these for me? Like, everything?" Maykha asked in disbelief. They were on their way to the common room as Maykha waited for her friends to come back from their trip.

Neville simply nodded as if she was asking a silly and a very obvious question, "Yeah. Why? Do you need more?"

Maykha was just about to open her mouth to say something when Ron laughed and put his arm around her shoulders. "You should have seen Mr. Flume's face when Neville asked him to get one of each off of his shelves, he looked looks like he was about to kneel in front of Neville and chant a song of praise. Our boy became the most precious customer of Honeydukes in less than a day."

"Yeah," Hermione added, "I had to force him not to buy a cauldron cake because I should be the one to buy it for you and not him. Here." She said and handed a smaller bag to Maykha.

"It's not really that big of a deal," Neville said, "I simply thought that if you cannot go to Honeydukes, I can simply bring Honeydukes to you."

Maykha's face suddenly felt hot. She cannot grasp over the idea that Neville probably used by all of his money just to comfort her and make her happy. She wanted to scold him for not managing his money properly, but that was an argument for another day. For now, she simply wanted to thank her friends for being so thoughtful.

However, as she glanced over at Neville, his troubled face did not escape Maykha's attention but even before she got the chance to ask him what was wrong, the door to the common room swung open and she quickly forgot about asking Neville about his concern as the room filled with giddy third years  who were excitedly talking about their first trip the village.


"Maykha! Maykha, wake up!"

Maykha jolted up awake, her eyes are still half opened, as Hermione grabbed her hands and ran downstairs to the common room. It took her a few minutes to realize that there had been a commotion going on.

"What's happening?" Maykha asked Hermione as the students gathered around the common room, everyone in their sleepwear and disheveled hair, even Professor McGonagall was no different. It was not only them who looked terrified as even the portraits were in a panic, the people inside went from one frame to another.

The two girls joined the boys who were already waiting for them. Harry and Ron looked clueless, but Neville looked like he was about to be sentenced to death.

It did not take long before they learned that someone attacked the portrait of the Fat Lady and trespassed their common room. It caused terror to all of Gryffindors, of course, as it meant their lives were once again in danger.

Apparently, the reason why Neville looked the way he did was because he was partly at fault. Ever since the escape of Black, securities within the Hogwarts became more strict and the Gryffindor's way of ensuring their safety is to change their passwords more frequently. Neville had a hard time catching up with the changes that he needed to write them down on a piece of paper, which he accidentally lost and was picked up by Black and used it to gain access to their common room.

"I-I'm sorry," Neville said, trying to make up his words in between his sobs. "I really did not mean to put everyone's life in danger."

The students have started to disperse as per Professor McGonagall's instructions. All students will be sleeping in the Great Hall.

"Hush now, Neville. We all know you did not mean any of that to happen." Maykha said. "Look at Harry, he's put everyone's life in danger for years now but that arse did not even cry."

"Hey, shut up!" Harry said and playfully smacking Maykha's head.

"See? So, don't worry about it too much and let's go on our way to the Great Hall! Let's just think of this as a huge slumber party for the whole school!" Maykha cheerfully said.

Hermione could only shake her head in disbelief, "I honestly don't know where that girl gets her enthusiasm from."

"You and me both," Harry agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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