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Elianna Grace

"Hi!" I say as I knock on Davis's door.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask knowing that this was his first time outside jail for so long. He was bound to experience confusion and be slightly unable to accept reality.

"I am. All thanks to the both of you. I don't know how I could ever thank y'all." He smiles.

"Come inside." He smiles.

"Thank you but um we've gotta work anyways I brought you some food and you have both harry's and mine's number so you can always text and call us if you need anything." I smile handing him the bag of food.

"Thank you sweetheart you have such a beautiful heart. I hope you get all the happiness you deserve." He smiles being extremely grateful.

"I can't wait to meet her today." He smiles.

"I know I'm so happy for y'all." I state.

"I just hope she forgives me." He sighs.

"I'm sorry for everything you've ben though Davis you really don't deserve this." I sigh.

"Shh don't apologize. I' m just grateful you guys came that day and gave me a chance to speak. I couldn't put up the act anymore. It was so exhausting." He says.

'I know. You aren't alone alright." I smile.

"Thank you Elianna." He smiles.

"You parents are so lucky to have a daughter like you." He says in awe.

Funny you say that.

"I sense the tension." He chuckles seeing my whole reaction changed. "Tough life huh?" He asks in concern.

"Anyways I've gotta go to work but take care of yourself yeah." I say as I leave.

"Elianna." He calls from behind.

"Well no matter what you've been through, you turned out to be a gem. So I don't see why they wouldn't be proud of you but just know if you were my daughter I'd be so proud to even call you my daughter." He smiles.

"Thank you." I smile.

"I always wished for a daughter like you." He smiles while his eyes slowly tear up.

"Well if you did have a daughter she'd be so proud to call you her dad too." I smile.

"You think so?" He says looking at me.

"I know so." I nod.

Little did he know he had a kid waiting for him at home in California.

"Well I wont take up much of your time but thank you for the food and checking up on me. Harry told me about the flight I'll be ready on time. All the best at work!" He smiles.

"Thankyou. Take care yeah and call us if you need anything." I state.

"I will." He nods as I walk away to our room.

I go in the washroom to tie my hair into a ponytail as going on the bike would mess it up. I had already woken up early today to buy all here of us some food and got ready.

"Good morning." His raspy voice mummers as he walks into the bathroom watching me get ready.

"Morning." I say smiling.

I feel his hands grips me from behind my waist as he nuzzles his head  into my neck.

"You okay?" He asks.

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