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hi my loves, how are we doing after chapter 76? 

^above is the suggested song for this chapter.

Elianna Grace

"My name's harry. I know you probably don't know who I am..." He corrects himself, "Who I was to Oliver. I'm his brother.." He corrects himself again. "I was his brother."

"We had known each other for years. I hated spending every single day with him. His presence absolutely disgusted me. But that changed."

"I started hating him less every single day and liking him more as my brother, as my family. My blood."

"People that knew the kind of relationship we had would never imagine me standing here giving his eulogy. Oliver never got to hear it from me but I knew he was genuinely a nice person and he died as one. His heart was always in the right place and it fucking sucks not having him here. It fucking sucks not having my brother."

"On one of the cases we were assigned together, the parents had died in a car accident. It became a huge police case. There was a lot of police as well as legal work for us to handle. So we ended up having to work along side each other the whole time. The parents who had died had a three year old daughter, who was all alone now. She was grieving and constantly missing her parents. She would scream and cry during the interrogation and in the courts and that was understandable. The kid didn't have her parents with her anymore and she had to go through so much shit afterwards. Oliver saw how she couldn't handle any of the interrogations. She was too young for that and he knew thats not something a child should be subjected to. So Oliver being Oliver sent in some many requests to the court for her to be not interrogated at all. She was put through an unnecessary amounts of interrogation for no reason and Oliver went to the extend to fight with the court to get her out of it."

"When the court finally approved it. He would ask permission from her guardian and meet her. He'd buy her so many toys and constantly check up on her to be safe. There were so many times where we had to go to court together and so we'd just take one car there and Oliver would always take the longer route because her house would fall in the way. He would stop the car and say hi to her and give her new toys and sometimes even her favourite food. He always did that. He didn't know I knew, but I knew. He was the kind of guy who was nice but who would never go to the extent of wanting people to know the shit that he would do for people he cares about."

"That was Oliver. We had so many arguments and crazy amounts of fights and I just want to argue with you one more time brother! I want us to experience and do everything brothers do with each other. I want you to teach me how to be a good brother to you-" His voice breaks as he says looking at the ceiling, imagining Oliver being right there listening to him.

"You were an amazing person buddy and you always will be. Everyone who knew you should consider themselves so lucky getting to know you. I knew no matter how fucked the situation was I could depend on you."

"Fucker acted like he was the big shit all the time.He was the biggest shithead. I love you brother. You're the best detective and a good person. I hope you're okay. Rest in peace." Harry finishes as he gets down from the stage asking towards me.

He sits next to me and exhales. I place my hand on his hands, stroking my thumb on his hand.

The last two days was an unexplainable pain.

I remember police knocking harshly at the door. At first I was scared to open the door but then I checked through the peephole at it was the police. I hesitated at first but then I eventually opened the door. They took me to the captain's house.

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