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last one, i'll miss you guys :'( 

also above^ is the suggested song for this chapter, i hope u enjoy <3

also above^ is the suggested song for this chapter, i hope u enjoy <3

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Harry styles

2 days later.

"So you are your own camera man? I knew this interview was shit why did I even sign up for this shit?" I say in fake disgust.

"Shut up." She says chuckling cutely. 

"Make me." I hum without a pause.

"Keep it in your pants will you Mr. Styles." She smiles. 

"So First question Mr. Styles, Three things you can't live without?" She asks pretending to hold the spoon as a mic.


"Hmm. My work. Sex and now you." I chuckle knowing deep down that she came first.

"You sound like such a douche you know." She shakes her head.

"Okay same question go." I say snatching the spoon from her, pretending it was my mic now.

"My work. Ethan. I would say coffee too but I haven't actually drank coffee in days now. So um you." She laughs trying to annoy me, which she obviously succeeds at.

"You sound like the bigger douche" I state.

"How?" She says in amusement.

"You would choose me over coffee?"I pretend to be hurt.

"Maybe a little." She chuckles.

"Who's the asshole." I say pointing at her.

"Fuck off. Next question okay. So Mr. Styles Where do you see yourself in the next five years?" She asks me.

"Hopefully with a huge law firm." I nod.

"Boring. You're totally not going to bring my ratings up." She says.

I snatches the phone from her now and faces it at her. I take the spoon away from her,"Now you."

"I want to have a center for children coming from broken families. They're so vulnerable that most of the times they don't even know what's happening to them so I'd want to help them. Be there for them you know." 

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