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this is going to be a really short chapter but trust me when i say this that the coming chapters are going to be rough 

^ suggested song for this chapter

Harry styles

"I'll call you everyday I promise." Ethan sobs holding elianna as the lady on the intercom announces the final call for boarding.

"Take care of yourself okay. I'll miss you so much. Anytime you wanna talk just call me up I'll be there."

"I love you Eth."

"I love you Ellie."

"I'll come visit you soon I promise." He assures her.

"I'll wait." She smiles.

"I'm so proud of you Eth. I know you worked so hard to get here and I'm so proud of you."

"I don't know what I'd do without you Ellie, I love you." Elianna wipes her tears as they pull away.

"I love you more."

She goes to hug Sophie, "Take care of yourself alright. You're the best. I hope you have the best time in college ever."

"Anytime you wanna bitch about Ethan, just call me up." Elianna says causing all of us to laugh.

"Heyyyyyyyyy." Ethan whines.

"Thank you so much. I'm so grateful that you and Harry are in our life." Sophie hugs eliianna.

"We're grateful too." Elianna smiles.

I go to hug Ethan, "you're my family buddy, you need anything just call me up okay. I'll be more than available to take care of anything you would need."

"Thank you harry I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too buddy." I pat his back.

"The next time I see you, I'll give you another halloween costume to wear." He chuckles.

"Oh shut the fuck up." I roll my eyes.

Ethan and Sophie take their suitcase and start making their way to the gates. I pull elianna into my arms. She rests her head on my chest, sobbing softly.

It's a little sad and sweet to think about that this would be us in a few years when our kids leave for college. A huge part of me couldn't wait for us to experience all those sweet moments of our relationship.

"I'll miss him harry." She cries.

"I know baby." I kiss her head.

"I'll leave as well guys. Nice meeting y'all." Niall interrupts us.

I even forgot he was standing behind. His flight was after theirs so we picked him up on the way along with Ethan and Elianna.

"Nice." I respond.

"Harry." She looks at me, in a way telling me to be nicer. 

"Okay. It was nice meeting you too." I say extending my arm forward for him to shake.

"It was really nice meeting you too Niall." Elianna smiles at him. "Have a safe flight."

"Thank you. Bye bye." He says as he leaves. 

Within a few minutes of me hugging Elianna in silence, I see Oliver pull up. I didn't want Oliver to see Davis that would probably trigger him and bring up bad memories and considering the fact that he doesn't even know that the 'Jhon styles' that would be here anytime isn't even Jhon it's Davis.

He would think it's dad.

"Where were you?" I look at him getting even more anxious as the time passed knowing Davis would be here anytime.

"There was traffic and this guy on the road speedi-" I cut him off.

"Okay its okay. Take care of Elianna okay. Don't let anyone in the house. Be careful. I'll be back in a few hours. Tomorrow morning to be exact."

"Okay but-"

"I'll explain everything when I'm back." I look at him.

"Okay." He says as he and Eianna get into the car.

I run to Elianna and kiss her one last time, "I love you Elianna. I'll be with you soon okay. I'll keep texting you alright. Please take care of yourself baby. If you feel like something's up just call me okay, you know I'd pick up anytime for you."

"I will. Don't worry. I hope everything goes well in Florida. I love you Harry. Update me okay? " She kisses me once again.

She sits in the car and I close the door as I watch Oliver drive off with her. It was a relief as he drove off knowing that he didn't see Davis.

Within a few minutes Davis pulls up with Maya and his daughter.

I walk towards him as we both nod helplessly knowing he didn't want to go back and I didn't want to take him back either.

"I'm sorry." I murmur softly to him.

"It's not your fault." He says back as he pats me on my back, assuring me.

"Daddy please don't leave. Please daddy." Rylee screams.

"I love you baby. Daddy will be back soon." He picks her up, pushing her hair away from her face.

"Do you promise me daddy?" She extends her pinky finger.

"I promise you Ry." He interlocks his pinky finger with hers.

"Why do you have to leave?" She asks innocently.

"Daddy has some work baby." She hugs her hiding the fact that he was crying to.

My eyes go on Maya who stood in the corner crying.

She just got her husband back after years of believing he had betrayed her and left her. She just got the father of her child back and now he's leaving.

It hurt seeing them like this.

He walks over to Maya holding and kissing her forehead. "I love you babe. It's gonna be okay. I'm so glad I met you again. You offered me so much peace after being in literal hell for so many years. You're my everything. I would never forget you. I'll always love you. I promise you. I hope I get to meet you again and kiss these pretty lips of yours." He kisses her.

"I love you." She cries.

"Take care of your self and ry okay." He kisses her forehead.

"Come back to me Davis, promise me."

"You know I can't do tha-" she cuts him off.

"Promise me." She cries knowing that she needed reassurance even tho it wasn't true right now.

"I promise." He kisses her forehead.

"Bye Rylee. Bye baby." He hugs them both together and walks away with me.

"Thank you for giving me time with them Harry." He looks at me as I pat his back in response as we go to our gate.

Everthing was just a mess right now. Everything was so rushed. 

Anything could happen and we weren't prepared.

are we really ready for the next chapter?

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