Why do we Pray ?

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In Hebrew :

' prosechomi' - submission , Thanksgiving, confession,praise .

The work ' prosechomi ' is divided into separate word i.e.
✓ ' Pros' - toward God
✓ 'euchomi' - express a wish

In Greek :

' deesis' - request , worship , meditation

Why do we pray ??

- Because prayer separate yourself from earthly distracted

- Because prayer is talk between believer and God

- Because prayer is believing and receiving of god's revelation

Dear brothers and sisters, never stop praying.... it's a spritual communication between God and you . It's a worship , Thanksgiving, adoration, confession between you and your father lord Jesus.

Prayer is a key to unlock the gate of heaven

In Bible Matthew 7:7 says " ask and you shall receive"

Pray when you are sad
Pray when you feel anxiety
Pray when you are suffering from diseases or illness
Pray when you lost
Pray when you feel urself meaningless
Pray when you lost hope
Pray when you are happy
Pray when you are tornament by evil/darkness

We are more powerful on our knees then to our feet. Pray before everything you do. From starting of your day to the end of your day, Because from one end of the Bible to the other end of the Bible ..... God answer every prayers.

In Bible Hebrew 11:6 says " but without faith it is impossible to please him , for he who comes to God must believe that he is , and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him "

You must have faith in lord. Trust in God with all your heart , with all your mind and with all your body.

Lastly , God always wait for you to come and talk with you ....try to talk with him in every situation, he is living God , he listen ,he comforts , he gave us his peace ,his calmness. Ask him for the holy spirit to lead you and guide you .

 Ask him for the holy spirit to lead you and guide you

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" May lord God give you his wisdom , knowledge and understanding. May god bless you with his grace . In the name of Christ Jesus we pray and say AMEN !! "

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