Work of devil and his angels

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As we all know that devil is real . His work is real and his main motive is to keep us away from god's will ( god's words).

Humans are very precious to god and devil knows, that is why he use us (human)  as a puppet .Devil does use many different type of strategy to keep us away from god's glorious riches.

Today i want to tell you different type of devil and his demonic work on us .


1. Beelzebub (gluttony) - false gods (Matthew 4:1-11)

2. Belial - instrument of iniquity and wrath ( genesis 49:5, Psalms 7:13, Isaiah 13:5, Jeremiah 50:25, Ezekiel 9:2)

3. Python - spirit of lying ( 1 king 22:21-22)

4. Asmodeus ( lust) - revengers of wickedness

5.   Satan ( wrath ) - jugler (genesis 3:1-5)

6. Merihen - Ariel power (revelation 7:1-2)

7. Abaddon (destroyer) :furies - sowing mischief (revelation 9:11)

8. Astaroth (queen of war, sexual love ) - inquisitors and accuser (Jeremiah 44: 24-25)

9. Mammon (greed, wrath ) - templers (Matthew 6:24)

10. Lucifer - pride (Isaiah 14:4-17)

11. Levithan - envy ( psalm 74:14 , Isaiah 27:1)

12. Belphegor - sloth (number 25:3)

13. Moggot - (job 25:6)

Note: if there is mistake , then let me know...this are all according to my Bible study.
This is also my ongoing study part.

Demonic work

1: entice - to do evil things i.e. robbery .

2: harass - anger, violence

3: torment - bad suggestions, bad thoughts, affect emotionally and physically, affect in spiritual life

4: compel - make us to do evil things which we don't want to do .

5: enslave - he make us slave i.e. alcoholism.

6: defile - make us feel dirty, impure ,  horrible things comes to our mind.

7: deceive us - feel weak , sick , tired , and lastly kill.

8: slumber - insomia, make us to awake till late night.

9: Their are other type of demonic activity which effect us -  pride , rebellious, witchcraft, fearing spirit, rejection .

This all effect on our emotions and our attitude. Our flesh become angry and sometimes we can't control it.

And if one of the evil spirit enter in us and we obey him, he will brings his gangs to our heart . Lastly our heart become so hard that we might not able to hear god's word.

Overcome devils and his work

Satan always catch us by our past. He can't touch our present and he don't know our future. Always say ," i have good present and future" . No need to remember your past. Ask for the forgiveness and god will rescue you.

Name of Jesus Christ is enough to defeat devils. In his name we have life, deliverance , goodness , our needs, righteousness, grace , light, salvation.

Turn back to god. When god brings you towards him ,then be over there , don't go away from him .

 When god brings you towards him ,then be over there , don't go away from him

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Most precious heavenly Father, thank you for adding this beautiful day in our life. Help us to overcome our past sins. Deliver me from all type of demons and his evil work . Provide me the cloth od righteousness. Help me to walk in your path. Feel my emptiness with holy spirit. Help me to grow in your faith and grace. In the name of Christ Jesus i ask ,pray and say AMEN !!

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