You are not of your own

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1) You are a holy place - holy temple
- Yes !! Holy spirit live within you, your body become holy as holy spirit is in you.
- Wherever you go, that place become holy, as you are a temple of holy spirit.
- And when holy spirit himself choose you as his dwelling place then choose to live holy .

2) You have a holy person - Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit dwells in you.
- I Corinthians 6:19," Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"
- when you have any confusion, and doubt and struggling for something then ask holy spirit to give you wisdom beyond your ears.
- Pray god to let you walk in knowledge and understanding of holy spirit
- stop looking outside of yourself when holy spirit want to do some mighty work through you.

3) You are brought by a huge price - Salvation
- I Corinthians 6:20," For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."
- God did something to purchase you.
- But unknowingly we fill ourselves with unholy stuff and forget that how high god paid price for us.

God say," let me be your lord"
" Let me teach you how to live "
" Let me uncover you and use you"

If you are only worried about heaven and not god, then you are already living in hell

- Jesus is way , give god the control of your life and let him restore you. He will indeed transform you.

4) You have heavenly purpose - glorify God
- Salvation is free, but it's not cheap. He paid a prize and that prize is blood.
- Reason why god ask us to love differently through our life, our habits and not cross the line, it's because we are suppose to do everything for god's glory.
- This is why we have to excercise the fruit of the holy spirit (i.e. specially self-control)
- whatever you do, do for the glory of god.

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