Holy spirit knocks your door

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Revelation 3:20," Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

How many of you listen god ? 
How many of you talk with god ?
How many of you wait for god ?
How many of you miss god every second ?
How many of  you obey God ?

Did you ever think about god is waiting for you to come to him ? He always wait and wait ... How much time do you spend with him ?

We have 24 hours , but how much hour we give to him ?

Sometimes...We forget him, sometimes we give him excuses. But his love is so great for us that he wait patiently for us .

We have time for social media , eating, roming, jobs, playing, hanging out with friends, family time , homework.....
But what about god ?

He made us, he protect us, he fulfill our daily needs, he listen us when we cry, he comfort us .....then why our heart become so hard to spend time with him ???

He always knocks our door.... Now you will ask how ?

Then the answer is thru books , Instragram, friends, people, whatsapp, Facebook, YouTube, telivision..... He is trying to get our attention. He is knocking the door . He is trying to call you .

But....the problem is ,we are ignoring him ....we are closing that door. May be because religion, may be because tradition, may be because you are hurt , may be because of our emotions.

Whenever we are facing problems holy spirit knocks the door, but rather then inviting holy spirit, we invite maid ( who clean your heart and go) i.e. sex, drug, alcohol, mobile , gaming ..... But none of them clean your heart permanent.

Today ....holy spirit is knocking your door. He is waiting outside right now . Don't be dead spiritually . Open your door , he is waiting there with the gifts that will Change everything in you. Ask him to enter your heart and to take control of your heart, mind and body .

"Most precious heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day

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"Most precious heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for always being with me, protecting me , guiding me , leading me. Forgive me for my sins, today i want to open the door of my heart, please come me, make you home, Make me holy as you are....fill me with you wisdom , knowledge and understanding. Fill me with your grace, increase my faith towards you. Thank you father for receiving my prayer. I believe you already answered me. AMEN !!  "

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