People avoiding grace

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The question i want to ask you today is what is grace ???

Grace is a favour, that cannot be explain. It's something we don't deserve. But, God give it to us as gift and he offered us that gift. All we have to do is to reach out our hand and receive it.

The truth is we need God's grace just as much as we did years ago and we probably need it more in the upcoming years again.... Because of our mistakes, because of our doubts, because of our failings....we need God's grace.

But most of the people this days hate grace. They hate the idea of God saving as a gift.
Do you know why??
Because we have to admit 'we were wrong'
we have to admit that 'we cannot'...

That's why people will go to some of the strange religions that require some of the most strict and horrid things of a person, because a person would rather be able to stick their cheast out and say ' i have earned it '  rather than to say " the god of mercy"  " the God of Grace"  has been my helper...

And you know why ??
because we have to admit that we are wrong,  not just a little wrong
not just intellectually wrong
not just a mistake
but, wrong about everything and in every shape, fashion, manner, we are wrong..

Ephesians 2:8," I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God."


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