Lamb of God

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Who is Jesus ?
Why can't we escape from him ?
How does he look like ?
Why he came to save us ?

- Almost every single person have problems, burdens, sins, loneliness, emptiness, fear.

- Everyone is searching something but don't know what ! Everyone is finding complete satisfaction but don't know how !

- Bible says Jesus Christ meet our deepest needs.

- He who heard gospel and reject christ and reject the claims of Christ is very serious thing. Your life will never be same.

- God has all planets, stars, heaven, galaxy, universe yet he choose a small planet called earth and people living on this planet.

- People reject and rebel against christ and yet instead of our sins and rebellion, god loves us.

- Whole Bible is love story of god's love affair with human race.

- God love every person on this earth that he send his only son to die for us.

John 3:16," For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

- If u ever doubt the love of god then look at cross.

John 1:29, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Once apostle john said," behold, what manner of love the father had bestowed upon us"

- How terrible and cruel death Roman use to give:
He was nailed in hands,
Spikes in feet
Spat on the people
Mutilated his bodies
Broke their legs ( help them to die quick)

- Our lord was hanging their with the mocking crowd making fun of him, but he hung there for you saying," i love you"

- How could we doubt the love of god.

- First his clothes were taken,
- Beat him with steel pellets leather belt,
- Put a crown on his head and his face bleeding,
- They laugh and spit on him, mock him,
- He was dragged and lifted and hauled that cross,
- He was nailed,

God look upon you as the only person in the universe, he see you and you alone on the cross. And Jesus had a capacity to think of you on cross, he love enough to stay on the cross.

- He stayed on cross for you, instead of been rescued and taken back to heaven and sit on the throne. He did it because he want us to reign with him in his kingdom of resurrection.

- Did ever a man die like Jesus ?
Lighting fleshed and thunder roared and earth began to shake and even soldier confess that he must bee really the son of god.

- On cross he said," my god, why thou has forshaken me ?" Then he dropped his head and said," it's finished"

- But what finished ??
Plan of salvation is finished
God can now forgive all of your sins because Jesus had finished god's purpose for your salvation .

- A man who lived 33 years,
- Never travel more then 100 miles,
- No formal education
- Went through every temptation, trials, testing,
- He hunger, he thirst, he tired,
- Yet he never committed a sin, he resisted and overcome them all,
- We don't know how does he look, because he never want us to worship in image, he is spirit and he want us to worship him in spirit.
- Yes, He is everywhere and we cannot escape him.
- And now he is building a spritual kingdom for you.

- He is a son of living God, everlasting to everlasting he is god.

- He saved us from our sins, he saved us from a burning fire.

- It is easy to live a Christian life, because devil will live u alone.

- But once you recieve christ as ur saviour, lives in your knees, and live in scriptures and have your spiritual Armor on all time, devil will not able to tempt you or torment you or decieve you until you let down.

- The more you receive christ, the more you will have joy, peace, security, love and he filled you with his grace and gifts and fruits.

- We can't have proof of Jesus scientifically but we can have proof by the lives that he transform every day. And in heart we all know Jesus is god.

- By faith we can accept him. If we want to be forgiven of sins and want to go to heaven , you must receive him.

-Repent and surrender your life to him, he is only way to escape the wrath of god on judgement day.

- Don't find your satisfaction in sex, drug, alcoholism, violence, games instead put your satisfaction in prayer and word of god.

- Don't put your trust on Job, career, lovers, business, medicine, profession. Put your trust in him and he will santify you and help you to live a holy and godly life.

" Precious heavenly Father, just like you saved us, help us to save many souls

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" Precious heavenly Father, just like you saved us, help us to save many souls. Just like you love us, help us to love others. We praise you and glorify you god. All we want to say thank you for dying for me on that cross and saving me. AMEN!! "

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