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Can Christian get tattoos ?
Or i can ask...can a believer of Christ can get tattoo ??

Leviticus 19:28 ," You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord."

After reading this some one you might still question that ," that's from old testament and we are under grace and therefore it is no longer applied! "

But.....actually it's not true

Jesus Christ didn't die on cross to give us permission for getting tattoos or inked up , infact Jesus Christ die on the cross to show us a path of repentance and salvation.

God is expecting us to become new and follow his path,  plenty of time in old and new testament talks abt laws and god want us to follow that law and to understand the importance of blood of Christ that he shed for us.

There is laws agains murder, rape, theft, idolatry, blasphemy, the reason why god commended his people not to get tattoo was that we belong to god by flesh, heart, mind. He is our lord , and he has all authority over our body if we submit him. Our body is god's holy temple and holy spirit live in us. So, as a follower of Christ we don't have any authority over our body and we can't spoil his dwelling place i.e. our body by marking with ink or tattoos.

Now, some would say," i have a religious tattoo and it's show my love towards god "

But, problem is that , there is no example in new testament of Jesus or disciples getting ink deposition to show their love towards god.

The only marks that disciples got was those that came about from persecution because the work of god that preached .

Which is why apostle Paul said," i bear in my body the mark of the lord Jesus Christ"

God never ask you to show the proof of your love, he know your heart. He will never judge you from your outer appearance, instead he knows that the throne of your heart belong to whom.

And if you still haven't, placed god in the throne of your heart. Do to now.

" Thou shalt not commit idolatry"

Idolatry means " you give more importance to anything except god "

Idolatry means " you give more importance to anything except god "

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