5 ways demons attack believers

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1) Accusations (mindset)
- when we are doing something and right in your mind something hits you that you did in past and begins to feel shame inside you.
- demons tell you things that are not true.
- you might be battling guilt inside you for long time and it haunts you till this day.
- even if u have been saved, you recieve christ, still you feel shame for your past doing.

But....remember Jesus die not only for your sins, but also to take away your shame.

2) Temptation
- demons are sales man for sins.
- demons can't possess you or take over you fully, but they do talk to you with his voice like a normal human and put thoughts in you so that you can feel guilty for your past.
- they also pulled aways from God by your own earthly desires.

3) Distraction
- keep us away from prayer, Bible reading
- they keep us busy in work, ( jobs, Home services, church,) they take aways our personal time with god.

4) Depression
- it does not take over a person who had already received Christ but they do root in flesh and agitate us.

5) Discouragement
- it's means to take away our courage.
- example: anxiety
- public preachings, public prayer, telling own testimonies and many more things.


2 Corinthians 10:5 ," casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ "

- Your mind is a battle field and your thoughts are attack.

- Enemy attack in mind to make us believe which is not true.

- But the word of god is a sword of spirit (Armor of God)

- Remember there is no special prayer or special spells or any magical power.

- But, simply power of holy spirit works through words of god.

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