The Armor of God

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Ephesians 6: 13-24

War is already going on in spritual world. But we can't see. We are brave soldiers of god's army, so God made us very powerful weapon which protect us from every danger called " Armor of God ". This Armor is given to us by god's holy spirit.

1. Belt of truth (wrist)

- This Armor is place on wrist tightly, it protect us from satanic lie.

- Satan tired to create fight within us, he make us to tell lie. Or we sometimes belive in others lie.

- But believe in God and his promises to us.

2. The breastplate of righteousness (cover our heart)

- Satan wound our heart with bad things, he make us embarrassed, he tried to fool us, he ashamed us in front of others.

- But remember, God has make everything right  within us . He loves us.

- Always forgive others as father in heaven forgive us.

3. Shoes of gospel

- shoes of gospel is good news of Jesus, which is very powerful.

- Satan makes our life full of worries and darkness. He attack us in many different ways . He make us believe in his words so that we may slip and fall anytime in battle.

- But remember no ground is too dangerous for god's soldiers to slip and fall. God helps us to stand strong. Use word of god to defeat satan.

4. Shield of faith

- Evil lies arrow like a fire, he shoots the arrow through darkness and directly aims our heart.

- Single arrow of satan cause whole heart on fire. ( Fear, worries, anxiety, panicking, hurt, depression, phycology damage)

- But remember faith block every evil word of satan , have strong faith in God. Faith destroy every weapon of  enemy.

5. Helmet of salvation

- Satan deceive us. He fill the truth which is not true in god's sight. He make us think that we need to work hard for god's forgiveness. He make us think that we are not doing enough work of god.

- But remember, helmet of salvation protests our mind with god's truth. If we believe that he died for us,for our sins. And we accept him by faith, ask him for forgiveness, obey him . Then he has already forgive us. So no need to listen satan.

6. Sword of the spirit.

- we as a children of god, faces many struggle. Satan aways find a way to tempt us. Satan as a dragon, tried to show his dangerous face and we sometimes become afride of him .

- But the word of god is one of the powerful weapon, that satan can't fight.

- this strongest weapon leads us in true worship, prayers, scriptures, reveal us future.  (satan afride more because bible reveal that at the end satan is defeated).

Put whole Armor of God , because god as light defeats darkness. Have faith in God.

" Most precious heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you

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" Most precious heavenly Father, we thank you and praise you. Thank you for providing us with the Armor, teach us to use it, let heavenly wisdom , knowledge and understanding pour upon us. Help us to grow in your faith. Let your grace be upon is forever and forever. AMEN !!"

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