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Hebrews 9:22 ," Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."

We are all lost soul,  a dead spirit, a sinner and if we want to have joy, peace, salvation, way to heaven, forgiveness of sin. We need to understand the importance of  " shedding a blood of Jesus Christ"

From genesis to revelation blood is shed. weather it is old or new testament, blood is shed.

Leviticus 17:11," For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life."

- Blood is a mysterious substance that till date no one knows whole anatomy about what exactly blood is.

- Blood  carries garbage out without contamination But how ?

- Blood cannot be made by human !

- Heart pump and blood form !

- There is different race, black man, white man, female, male, child but all have red blood.

- And if blood is same we can interchange without races. 

Apostle Paul said," god hath made of one blood all the nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth. "

E.g. when someone had accident, none will ask for race or skin colour, because you just want to save life and get that blood fast as you can.

1) Our blood is related to Adam and Eve

- They are our first parents.
- Adam and Eve had sin and tried to cover with   fig tree.
- God sew some clothes from animal and blood
  was shed.
- God teaches man from the garden of Eden to 
  this very day that if you want forgiveness of
  sin blood has to be shed.

2) Cain and Abel

- when God accept Abel sacrifice and Cain 
become jealous and killed and that was first
murder on the earth.

- God accept Abel sacrifice which is blood of
  animal. While Cain sacrifice has no blood.

3) judgement on Egypt

- first born in every house of Egyptian was
  killed and every Jews remember and they
  celebrate it every year.

- take blood and put it on door post and when i
  see the blood, I'll pass over - commendment
  form god.

- not your good work, not your good behaviour,
  not that you go to church .....but if i see blood
  i will pass over.

4)  Christian communion

- wine and grape juice stand for blood of Jesus
  that he she's on cross for our sins.

John the Baptist in John 1:29 says," Behold,the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

- As lamb Jesus went to cross and shed his
blood for our sins. And that blood cleanse 
every sins we committed.

- There is power in blood of Jesus Christ.

- Blood is symbolic of  " life of Christ " .

God says," i love you so much that i am willing to see my only son die"

Jesus says," i came to do the will of my father"

Dear brothers and sisters, understand the sacrifice of god. He loves you. He want to save you. Do repeat on your sins. Obey him and walk in his narrow path. Relay on him with your whole life. Submit yourself to Christ. Let him set your path.

" Most precious heavenly Father, thank you for adding this beautiful day in our life

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" Most precious heavenly Father, thank you for adding this beautiful day in our life. Thank you for shedding your precious blood for my sins. Help me to understand your importance. Help me to walk in your narrow path. Just like a Shepard goes to find this lost lamb, find me too when i am lost. Build my path and help me to walk on it. Guide me and lead me through your precious holy spirit. Blessed be your name and blessed my soul lord. Let your grace be upon me forever and help me to increase my faith in you. AMEN !! "

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