Follow, live and grow in Christ

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Are you sure that your sins are forgiven ?
Are you sure that you are going to heaven ?
Are you sure that you are follower of Christ ?
Are you sure that you are lifting cross ?
Are you sure that you are ready to meet god ?
And lastly .........
Are you sure that you are christian ?

Unless and until you didn't receive christ as your Saviour and ask for forgiveness, you are not true believer.

And believing is no enough, because devil also believe in Christ, but you must be truly follow him.

Unless and until you are not willing accept challenges and live for him, you can't be his follower.

One must take his/her cross and follow him.

You should deny yourself and seek him and his will.

Prayer, Bible reading, going to church is not enough, you must put your faith in him. You must believe him. You must trust him. You must obey him. You must live according to his will.

When you start to grow Spritually, you come like a baby to christ. But you can't stay in baby state always. You have to grow. Grow in his grace, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, his blessing.

1) spend time in prayer
- learn to pray
- have a definete time and place to pray everyday .
- even if you are disturb emotionally, physically, and time say NO, But your will says YES to spend time in prayer.
- prayer is a Spritually work.

2) Bible testify Jesus
- your physical body need food but what about you Spritually body ?
- read Bible as you are expecting god to come and speak to you.
- read bible as interviewing
- read till he does speaks to you
- meditate the verses and chapters
- read as you depend on it
- take time, not just your ritual reading, but as Spritually hunger needs.
- holy spirit will make you understand meaning of word of god.

3) discipline yourself
" Narrow is a gate to lead a Christian life"
- discipline your toungues, mind, heart, body
- don't watch or read trash.
- value your time
- learn to self- control, because you are holy temple of god.
- be soft, clean, honest and humble.

1 Peter 2:9‭-‬10 ," But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."

" May the grace of God be with you and your family forever Amen "

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