why do you have weakness?

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Sometimes we judge people, sometimes we feel offended, and sometimes there are moment when we isolate ourselves from society.

And this might happen due to our pride, ego, our desires, doubts, fear, anxiety or may be we think that we are better than others.

And if we that this as our weakness or sensitivity then god wants to change that things into your greatest strength.

Yes, we all have some fault, we all suffer through pain and heart breaking moment and during that moment we separate ourself from other and have negative feedback for others.

But, listen god wants to change you, he wants to convert your weakness into strongest strength only If you allow god to have authority over you and let him change you.

There is nothing impossible for god to do.

But why does god wants to change your sensitivity?

Why does god wants to give you strength?

Its because he can fulfill his purpose, his calling through you.

You are not waste! You are not unused ! God says he use weak people to fulfill his will. He does uplift weak people for his will.

He want you to help other people by making you like him. By making you understand the pain of others.

He wants you to feel compassion for others,
He wants you to see when other feel down,
He wants to see you when someone feel left out,
He wants you to see and help other when a person feel fear or depressed,
He wants you to recognise pain in others,

God wants to provide you spritual eyes and want to help others through you. Because sometimes someone else is suffering more than you.

Let god change you today
Let god change your weakness into strength
When you help people, and that person can't repay for that help, take it that as blessing because there is great reward for you in heaven.

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