I come to be....

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" No one can spearate us from god's love "

Few moment before, i was listening to song "just as i am " by Coffey ministries. And perticular paragraph really touch my heat.

" I come broken to be bandage,
I come wounded to be heal ,
I come desperate to be rescue,
I come empty to be filled ,
I come guilty to Pardon by the blood of Christ the lamb,
And he welcome with open arm ,
Praise God just as i m ....."

How beautiful this song is ......

we all are great sinners.... Sins which we deserved to go to hell, to be burn in fire ....but our savior is greater ...he loved us so much that he send Jesus Christ to save us ...

Just as we go to doctor when we are sick , he know how to heal us , what type of medicine to be given to us ... And just like that Jesus came to earth for sinner, he knows how to save us , he know his work better then us .... How amazing his grace is !!!

Receive Christ with all your heart ,with all your mind and with all your body . Ask him for forgiveness and he will forgive you...

" Don't let music of this world fascinate you,
March with the drumbeats of heaven ,
March by the steps ordered by the holy spirit"
- Billy Graham

Listen to the voice of holy spirit, he will lead you ,he will guide you...

God say," be holy as i am "

- Poison of sin - antidote of gospel
- Poison of darkness - light of gospel
- Sickness - heal by gospel
- Drowning - boat of gospel
- Hunger - food of gospel
- Thirsty - water of life i.e gospel

It is important to meditate gospel .
It is important to learn scriptures .
Because it's a weapon to be used against evil.

Understand the narrow road , dear brothers and sisters. Its very difficult, but god will never leave you alone. He will take all your burdens . Pray god, and he will answer you..

" Precious heavenly Father, thank you for adding this beautiful day in our life , uplift us in your faith , forgive our sins lord , fill us with your grace and mercy

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" Precious heavenly Father, thank you for adding this beautiful day in our life , uplift us in your faith , forgive our sins lord , fill us with your grace and mercy ... Take aways all our burdens and fill us with your peace , calmness father , help us to understand scriptures. We open the door of our heart lord ,send your holy spirit to live within us , guide us ,lead us .. help us to move forward in narrow parth. "
Amen !!

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