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Sex is one of the favourite subject going around youth peoples in many countries thru Jokes, listen, sing song, talk about it, videos, TV show, magazines.

Young people are under terrific pressure to go into sex.
Example -
" prove that you are man "
" Prove your love"
" Prove if you're fertile"
" If you don't have sex you will get weak ill"
" You are weird "
" You are so religious"

Young people under pressure of friends ,love once, other adults do sex even before thinking about later consequences.

Casual sex is like placing your best jewellery into mud.

God made sex for loving, committing marriage as a part in creation of new life, it is god's fine art.

Reason to say " No " to sex

1)  Because god say not to sex before and outside marriage

Foolishness of sex outside of marriage

Exodus 20:14," “You shall not commit adultery."

Proverbs 5:20-23,"  For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, And be embraced in the arms of a seductress? For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He ponders all his paths. His own iniquities entrap the wicked man, And he is caught in the cords of his sin. He shall die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray."

Sex is supposed to be with lifelong relationship (between man and his wife)

Genesis 2:24," Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

2because you will save youself from the guilt, shame, and sadness that sex outside or before marriage bring.

- wait till god decide time for you.
- you are made in image of god
- you must have self-respect, self-worth, and self-control.
- save your reputation.
- don't let other passed around and catch you easily. Choose to wait.

3) because you will spare yourself the pain and grief of finding out that you were being used rathe then being loved.

- love and sex is not same thing.
- some may have sex with you but not love you.
- it's like ' users ', they are ' manipulators '.
- in healthy relationship people do not ' use ' , they love, respect and care for eachother.

4) because every time you have sex, young woman, you run the risk of conceiving a baby.

- pills and condoms are not 100% effective.
- it may cause a situation that you are unable to face people due to your illegitimate relationship.
- you might get disappointed and hurt too.

5) you become pregnant, and eventually makes you mother of illegitimate baby.

- sometimes young people are not ready for  this type of situation and ther decide abortion.
- Abortion means ending life of another human being whom god created inside you.
- you will have pain, guilt and regrets for previous foolish sexual action .

6) because you will able to choose to marry the special person whom god has planed for you.

- marriage means, to whom you share your dreams, your goals, your whole life.
- married someone who is faithful to God.

7) say no because of the danger of catching STDs ( sexually transmitted diseases)

- HIV  and AIDs

8) because you will destroy your future plans

- think twice before your action.
- your career, education, dreams, your best and only opportunity, your goals.

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