Is there anything too hard for God ?

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What is faith?? 

In Greek faith means PISTIS verb PISTUEO  i.e. trust, belief,  confidence, firm,  persuasion,  assurance.

-> It's assurance that the lord is working even though we cannot see it , and...
-> Believe strongly in god's promises for you.

There are 3 things which I want to talk about

1. There is no problem too hard for god to solve / Nothing is too hard for god to work

job 5:7 " man is born to trouble "

We do create many trouble, we do sins in our day to day life which are against the god's will. But until and unless we don't born again we are death spiritually and by soul . We should born again,  accept Jesus as a saviour, we should accept that Jesus sheads blood and crucified for our sins . And if we accept and ask for the forgiveness in his name he will definitely forgive us.  He will renew our heart. We must repent ,by faith we must receive him.  

Even after we born again.....we will get trouble, we have have to face many hard situation, sometimes we do have difficult work.  Remember devil will always bother you, he will irritate you, he will harrase you by creating such situations that we can not face.  But have faith,  because god will block all hard situation. There is no problem too hard for god to solve. Trust him, just pray " god I am facing this problem, help me " or " god... This work is too difficult for me to do please help me " and he will definitely answer your prayers. If we let him in our heart, our mind, our soul and in our spirit he will definitely do work for us, and then there will be no such problems/work that will be too hard for us.

2. There is no prayer too hard for god to answer.

" you shall asked father in my name and he may give it to you "

In bible from genesis to revelation all prayers has been answer by god.

   Moses prayer and Israel was saved
√   Denial's prayer and god shut lions mouth
√   Abraham's prayer and lot was saved from Sodom
√   Samual's prayer and Israel was saved again
√   Ezra's prayer and temple was built again
√   Elijah's prayer and no rain for three and the half year.

Sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's no and sometimes he tell us to wait patiently but he always answer our prayers.

Have faith, have patience and just pray. It's doesn't matter what you are doing, weather you are walking, doing work, in bus, in car, just have faith that god is listening you and ask in his name and you will receive it because prayer is very powerful weapon.

3. There is no person too hard for god to save

Again we do many sins in our day to day life.  But if we ask for forgiveness he will forgive us. As we can see Saul's life in (Act 8 : 1-3) he did many sins against god, he destroy church, he dragged belivers and kill them both man and woman. But god changes his life in just one day ( Act 9 ) and now he is known as great apostle Paul.

It include us also, we must repent from our sins. We must receive faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Ask god to forgive your sins.  Ask him to enter in your heart and guide you.

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" Most precious Heavenly Father,  forgive all our sins and give Christ heart. I want to start my new life in you. Guide me, help me.  Remove all the blockages from my life. Let your grace be upon me and my family. In Jesus name we pray and say Amen!! "

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