why do we say AMEN!!

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why do we say Amen ??

I mean we do say it all time ... Specifically after prayers.

We do say Amen everytime....but what is real meaning of Amen ...and why do we say at the end of prayers ??

In Hebrew the word "Amen " is written as āmēn
And in Greek it is written as ἀμήν which means ' certainty '  , ' truth ', ' verily' , 'it is true' ,' let it be so ' , ' truly i say to you' .

Amen is not just ending , it's a beginning of something, ' let it be so '  i.e. let it be done as per god's direction.

When we say " Amen "....it's actually we are saying the name of our creator 

In revelation 3:14 (NLT) :
To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation."

We say Amen because it actually mean it , not just to end prayer...but the new beginning of something in our life .

God's knows that we are not perfect.he know we can't pray perfectly .... But still he hear us ...and when we say ' amen ' at last ...it means that " god let that stuff happen according to your will"

We as a Christian should live according to " let it be so "  or "  according to your will " lifestyle

Wake up every morning and pray, "  god thank you for adding this beautiful day in my life , kindly show me the way for today . Tell me what you are expecting from me today ? Tell me the plans for today . Guide me "

when you sleep then pray ,"  lord , did my life today pleased you ?  Did I do as you told me to do ?? Tell me if I have done any mistake and forgive me "
                    AMEN !!

wait for his answer ... because his does answer every prayer

 because his does answer every prayer

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