Two- Mika

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My six-inch stilettos click against the pavement of the sketchy entrance

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My six-inch stilettos click against the pavement of the sketchy entrance. The inky white moon is shining in the sky instead of being hovered by polluted air. Opposed to creepy stalker clients, the crime rates in the club are nonexistent. However, this girlie never left her house without pepper spray, a knife, and a nail finer.

Sergi, our dark bulky bouncer, glances at me. "Good evening, Mika. Mi vida es mucho más brillante cuando estas aqui."

(My life is so much brighter when you're here.)

A flirtatious smirk arises on my face. "Aren't you the cutest thing? Good thing I come here often..." My fingers trail up his shoulders. "I wouldn't want to make you sad."

"Es imposible."

(It's Impossible.)

My fingers dangle down his chest, highlighting his muscle. "When are you going to purchase another night with me? If I remembered correctly, you came while screaming how fucking maleficent my pussy is."

Underneath the milky illumination, Sergi blushes. "Trust me... If I had any extra money to spare, it would go towards you."

"That's what I like to hear." I boop his nose. "I'll see you later, Sergi. I have a big fat date with the pole tonight. If you're feeling adventurous, leave your post and come and see me."

His gaze darkens as they sluggishly wander my body. "I'll make sure to go on break when the time comes."

As I stride through the door, I crane my head back to send him a quick air kiss. The music coming from the first floor vibrates under my feet. A faint smile sticks on my lips like superglue as I pass other staffers. La Diablo's Paraiso is my home, my second nature, something I could trace with my eyes closed. I might've been an employee, but I had everyone in the club eating in the palm of my hands.

Using my knuckles, I knock on his door, interrupting the conversation between him and another client. The stress on his frown lines obliterates upon my arrival. He sticks the unlit cigarette behind his ear, shooing the client in front of him. His customer's attention loiters on my frame as I wave five flirty fingers until he's out the door.

"What did I do to get blessed by this belleza tonight?" El Diablo man spreads on his lounge chair, tapping the empty spot on his thigh. "Get your sexy ass over here."

I roll my eyes, following through with his request. "Do I need a reason to see you?" My lips jut to a pout. "Did you think maybe I just missed you?"

His sculpted chest rocks with laughter. "What day is it?"

My fingers skim over his ear, stealing the cigarette. "It's Wednesday."

Realization rises on his face. "Ahh... Now, I know why you're here."

Diablo raises from his seat, his hold slipping from around my waist as he strolls over to his steel safe. Smacking my lips, I try to peer over his shoulders for the code, but this fucker loves his money more than me. It is an obstacle, but nothing is impossible in life. One day, I will know the key and have more options with a flick of my acrylic finger.

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