Thirty-Seven Asiel

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An orangish, chili red tint blends into the light steel blue sky, glistening on Mika's olive tone skin

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An orangish, chili red tint blends into the light steel blue sky, glistening on Mika's olive tone skin. Our adventure at the beach has tired Mika out, having her head bang against the window with every sharp turn. I try to shove the blanket between her head and the window at a red light to keep her from getting hurt. She softly groans, repositioning herself, causing the blanket to fall and her cheek to be pressed into the window.

It's endearing.

How eternal it is to admire the way her hair falls upon her eyes as her plump lips part, breaths escaping from them. My attention is pulled from the streets when Mika's body trembles, her hand latching onto my biceps. Making turns becomes harder as I wish for her touch to stay on mine, yearning for me even in her sleep.

I'm so crazy about her.

My body was bitten by the Mika love bug, and I didn't want to find a cure. I doubt any doctor would be able to aid in my demise. All her attributions loiter through my mind late at night when I'm in bed wishing I was with her again. It's so fucking embarrassing. I'm kicking my legs in the air, chuckling, and rereading our messages every night.

It's my routine.

I can't ever get enough of her.

Opening up to me and staying over the night at her place felt like another stage down Mika's trusting checklist. Every check brings me closer to her heart. At least, it's what I spent my birthday wish hoping for. My feelings were once a simple flower, but they flourished into a garden. Even with the tugging and pushing, she does. My roots are spreading further through the dirt.

Mika's heart is another story.

I couldn't be a hundred percent on how she perceived me.

Her feelings are incomparable to mine, half of mine.

There's no doubt about it, but I lived a fairytale compared to Mika. Falling for someone, opening up to someone, and trusting someone comes to me like how breathing comes to humans. For the stakes in my livelihood, I shouldn't wear my heart on my sleeves, but I do anyway. Call me stupid, a pussy, a fuck-up, but I couldn't change my mechanics.

Therefore, I couldn't condemn Mika for taking her quality time to thoroughly discover her sentiments for me. I just hope it would be strong enough for us to stay together until the world turns dark.

Parking my car by Mika's apartment, I quietly slam the door and try to carry Mika in my arms without waking her up. Her head rolls on her neck, causing her body to turn rigid, alert, and her eyes widen. Mika yawns, rolling her eyelids with the back of her knuckles and snuggles into my neck.

"Are you going home?" She asks, her irises flashing a look of vulnerability.

"I don't want to, but you have a shift at Diablo's," I reply, tilting my head towards the lock for Mika to input her code. "Rather stay locked in my office than watch you shack up with another guy."

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