Seventy-Two Mika

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An immortal act is considered being a transgression against the higher law. Does killing Asiel's father while he was getting high in the bathroom count as a sin? My body stands on a mountain of lies, vices, staring at the bottomless floor. It didn't hurt me to kill him — it broke me to watch the glimmers in Asiel's eyes disappear.

I don't entirely regret it.

In simple terms, it was either losing Asiel or his father, and his father was a piece of shit. It's truly a blessing for him to be slain in a delicate way. If it were up to me, I would carve out his eyes and give him a joker smile. That's only the beginning — I'll drain his blood little by little to keep him alive until I have my fun with him.

Woah, it got a little dark there.

Asiel exits the church entry with his brown frizzy hair obscuring his eyes. My heart twists into a knot as if a knife pierces my organ, splitting it into fragments. He's all decked out in a black suit with a matching tie. Pent-up emotions threaten to burst forth in one giant, sweltering wave when making eye contact with his bloodshot eyes.

He looks like he's holding onto a single thread that can snap at any moment. His father passing away triples the stress already on his shoulders. It's agonizing to watch him spread himself so thin. People are only bound to break. It's human nature to break down. It's one of the many lessons I learned from Asiel.

But he's holding everything in.

Instantly, I wrap my hands around him, snuggling into his chest and getting a whiff of his citrus scent. A gasp of air involuntarily leaves his lips when I slam my body into his, but he lays his head over mine. I don't know how to comfort people, but I hope my hug is enough to mask the pain for a minute or two.

"Do you feel comfortable waiting out here?" Asiel asks, thrusting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You can come in. You're my familia."

I suppress a flinch at the mention of familia. "Yeah. It doesn't feel right to go in. Sorry, but I'm here to support you."

There are plenty of reasons why I don't want to walk into church. For one, I'm definitely going to burst into flames the second I step in. God has a lot of forgiveness, but I think mine has run out. Two, the guilt stretches through my veins at only seeing Asiel shattered-- I won't survive having to sit next to his mother. Even though he was a shitty husband and father, he meant something to them.

Here I go, being selfish again.

He kisses my forehead, causing the butterflies to flutter in my belly. "What would I do without you? I feel like I'm drowning under so much pressure, and you're my only lifeline. Thank you for being here for me."

My stomach sinks. "Always." I give him a quick peck on the cheek, leaving a red mark. "Any updates?"

Asiel stuffs his hands in his pockets, his throat flexing with a hard swallow. "I-I haven't had time to mention this." He pulls a white feather from his pocket, laying it elegantly in his palm. "I found this on the hospital bed when they rolled out my papa. It wasn't Luka. Ander's killer is still alive."

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