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My hand glides across the page, finishing up my thoughts before heading into work

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My hand glides across the page, finishing up my thoughts before heading into work. Every evening comprises brainstorming ways to utilize Asiel once he has reached the final stage. He is learning faster than I expected, but I am a fucking fantastic teacher. This isn't a complaint. The quicker he develops, the faster I can ascend to the top of the food chain.

My intentions are plain fucking clear. One by one, the pieces are falling into exactly where I want them. Asiel is my victim, a bloodless corpse, as I swallow every last inch of his blood. It's a fault in the universe calculations to drop Asiel in my path. What did it expect? For me to worry about a naive boy in a dirty, nasty, cruel world?

No fucking chance.

He's a lot of fun. I'll give him that.

It's a free show, in more ways than another. How can I complain when I get my pussy eaten out every fucking day? If only Asiel allowed me to pleasure him, then he wouldn't dream of ever leaving. A good fuck, pussy, ass toys with the men's species, making it easier to control them. Our bodies are like nature's form of mind control, and who am I to waste it?

My heels scratch the red carpet as I give a flirtatious wink to Sergi, earning a flustered response. It's amusing to watch tough, scary, gritty men blush because of my actions. My tote-bag bangs against my hips as I stride over to Diablo's office for my allowance. Confusion sneaks through the uncharted territory of my brain as I pass by an unfamiliar face.

Something feels incredibly off.

My gaze dithers around the murky hallway, realizing tons of new strippers are unknown to me. What the fuck? This one girl captures my attention: her cheekbones are prominent, beautiful even, but uncertainty lingers in her eyes. There's no way she's older than fifteen. The girl clutches her anime backpack, shaking like a leaf in her chair.

Throwing on a sweet smile, I stop by the girl. "Are you new? Sorry if it's random. I just never seen you before. I'm Mika, basically second in command here."

Her bangs fall over her eyes, obscuring her view as she glances at her converse shoes. "H-Hola, soy Isabela. Es mi primera noche aquí. Fui reclutada por Diablo la semana pasada cuando fui al cine."

(H-hello, I'm Isabela. It's my first night here. I was recruited by Diablo last week when I went to the movies.)

In a movie theater? At a quick glimpse, her story wouldn't raise any red flags, but it's the way she constructed her sentences. Her expression was a dead giveaway as well: shaky bloodshot eyes, gnawed nail buds, vigorously licking her lips, tapping her foot. Something sinister is occurring because of my absences, and it better not fucking be what I think it is.

"Te dio un tour de antemano? La disposición de los pisos es bastante compleja para un primerizo." I rub her back, trying to ease the trembling nerves radiating off of her.

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