Seventy-Five Mika

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Tonight's the night

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Tonight's the night.

I'm finally going to open up about everything. Any secret between us will cease to exist after today. My thoughts ran wild, like animals in the jungle, keeping me from getting a wink of sleep. It's okay. I don't mind. It gives me a reason to spend all night long admiring the love of my life. A part of me wants to break down and cry, but I have no right to.

He looks so peaceful in his sleep. His chest rises up and down as his breath fans my neck from me, snuggling him so tight. His hands rest on my waist, feeling like an anchor to me — the ship. He keeps me from drifting into the darkness and desire to be a better person. It's something I never realized I wanted until I met Asiel.

Why would a villain want to become good? Why do I want to change? There's nothing I can do that will make this situation any better. Asiel is the hero, and it's his time to shine, to slay the villain. I won't hold any resentment. All I hope for is to give him what he always wanted—the truth.

Yes, deep down in my heart, I hoped we could end up together, but the chances were slim. I know, Asiel. I don't doubt he will still love me, but the guilt will consume him. How can he marry the person who murdered his entire familia? Forgive me? Maybe. But our relationship would be damned-- he won't stand the sight of me anymore.

His limbs arouse, moving up and down the slope of my body as he groans, smacking his lips together. "M-Mika." His voice comes out raspy, husky, and so fucking sexy. "It's morning already?" His eyes flutter open, shining under the sunlight as I swear his irises morph into a heart shape when he meets my gaze. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life waking up to you."

A sharp pain stabs me in the center of the chest, making me gnaw at my lips. "Me too. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it."

Asiel places a soft kiss on my cheek, smearing my skin with his love. "You better not. It will break my heart."

My body feels lost, losing his warmth as he gets up, stretching his arms over his head. "Can we stay in bed a bit longer? I don't want to start the day yet. I just want to lie here in bed with you."

A boyish grin curls on Asiel's lips as he leans down, pressing his foreheads on mine and our noses rubbing against each other. "Very tempting, but I have to meet the familia. Tomorrow, okay? We have decades to lie in bed together."

My face pinches together in gloom as I tilt my head to the side, leisurely fluttering my eyes down the slope of his face. I'm taking a mental picture of this moment. The way-- his messy wavey hair flops on his head, the radiating smile reaching up to his eyes, his irises glimmer with tenderness. It's his signature look whenever we are together. After tonight, Asiel won't ever look at me like this.

It's going to be like a distant memory.

I laugh, trying to disguise the uneasiness in my chest. "You're right. Why are you guys meeting?"

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