Forty-Five Mika

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I'm sorry

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I'm sorry.

I don't ever want to hurt you.

What the actual fuck is wrong with me? Everything failed to make sense. Last night was supposed to prove how I have things under control. How I'm the boss in the relationship, having my boyfriend eating out of the palm of my hands. Asiel did everything I expected him and wanted him to do.

I am the problem.

The second I realized Asiel was crying, anxiety crept into my chest and weighed on my body. I couldn't shake the feeling all night. To make matters worse, I cleansed him and held him all night, snuggling into his warmth. I knew it was wrong. My mind begged for me to walk away, but I couldn't. It's true. The saying about the two different things a heart and mind can want. I experienced it last night.

Why is this happening?

Exhaling through my nose, I try to gear my mind on different matters. A distraction. Something to keep me from thinking. I've always been at my best when I used my body, not my mind. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise, but Asiel isn't coming tonight. That son of a bitch Mateo is coming home. For once, he serves a purpose.

To keep me from losing my sanity.

As the dressing room empties, I line my eyes with black liner and blend it with translucent powder. In my inner corners, I decorate it with blue eyeshadow and glitter. To make my irises pop, I add an extra dash of white shimmer. It's dark and grungy, the way my soul is feeling. That's a lie. But I've been living in a snow globe of lies since the beginning. Truths soaring through the air like snowflakes.

It's easy, Mika.

Simple, in fact.

It was all in the moment, like Asiel said.

Nothing more.

Definitely. Yeah.

My entire body shudders in fear when a pair of hands abruptly grip my shoulders, and with widened eyes, I turn to face Tania's brown irises. I rarely get scared easily, but I experienced a lot of firsts this week.

Tania's mouth is part in shock from my reaction. "Jesus, what's got you so fucking stressed out?"


She hums, "Mmm, sure. Maybe it's because you realized what a huge slut you are."

I gasp, dramatically gripping my chest. "I don't appreciate the slander. I'm an innocent virgin. Dicks? Vaginas? I don't know them."

Tania scoffs under her breath. "Innocent virgin, my ass. My toe is more virgin than you."

"Yes, I am," I insist, laughing. "My vagina is sacred. Only God can hit it."

She struggles to hold back her urge to laugh as she swallows the gulp of water. Nearly choking, she responds, "You're a pathological liar. Your little Muneco had you screaming last night."

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