Forty-Six Mika

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This session is long overdue

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This session is long overdue.

Luka's murder attempt was over three months ago, and he decides now is a good time to come cry about it? Hate to break it to him, but he's old news. Nothing special. Does he think getting us alone in a secluded room would give him the upper hand? Men are dumb. This is my sanctuary. Every corner of this room is stored with weapons. He's basically walked into a death trap if he tries something.

Luka is thick-headed, but he isn't that foolish.

Or maybe I'm giving him too much faith.

"Luka," I laugh, swatting my face from his grasp. "Why are you here? Certainly, you didn't come here to discuss your failed attempt at murdering the leader of the Morterero familia because of some bobblehead slut."

He clicks his tongue, a flash of anger in his blue irises. "Funny. I didn't come here to discuss that night, but I do want to talk about your little boyfriend. His empire and all."

My eyes roll, already losing interest in this conversation. "Why would you want to talk to little old me? Don't be shy, honey. Be a man. Oh, wait, I forgot. Your ego got crushed."

Rage floods in his veins as he scrunches his nose and tries to grab my arm. He tragically fails as I latch onto his hand, twisting his fingers back with ease. No point in hiding my strength when he served his use to me. Luka's arm bends back, and he falls to his knees, his face straining with pain.

"Don't. Ever. Put. Your. Hands. On. Me." I say through gritted teeth. "As a sign of mercy, I won't break your fingers, but if you try something again. Your hand isn't going to be the only thing in a cast."

Luka nods eagerly, biting down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. "Alright. Jesus. I liked you better when your pussy did all the talking."

A spiteful smirk graces my face. "Mmm, I can't say the same. I never really liked you that much. Your ten million dollar bids made listening to your husky groans bearable."

My hold on his fingers loosens, and he retreats them, massaging them with an irritated expression on his face. Alright. So maybe he is as stupid as I thought he was. My lack of patience is running thin, and I debate for a second about putting myself out of this misery by firing a bullet in his skull.

But one thing stops me.


Luka came to talk about him, meaning I could obtain useful knowledge to feed the Morterero familia. Not only can I save my boyfriend with it, but gain brownie points with his capos. Kill two birds with one stone.

He shakes his hand, probably still throbbing from the pain. "What's so good about Asiel? He is an asshole."

My eyebrows arch with amusement. "Did you seriously come here to make girl talk?"

Luka shrugs. "I'm just curious. I mean, you are a... You know-- a whore, and Asiel claims to be an assistant to the church. Probably not anymore. I doubt he can stay abstinent while dating you, but an odd couple, to say the least."

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