Twenty-Seven Mika

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Giggles escape from deep within my chest as I slam the door closed with my hip

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Giggles escape from deep within my chest as I slam the door closed with my hip. The abrupt tremble of the door frightens Isabela, but she shrugs it off. My laughter rips through my chest in full snorting glory as I stare at the meme Asiel sent me. Ignoring my better judgment, I exchange phone numbers with a client.

It's odd.

I didn't feel inclined to, but I wanted to.

My cell phone isn't used for entertainment, but for business. The only apps I have downloaded are my bank app, Uber eats, security cameras, and Gmail. That's all I'll ever need. The only contact number I have is Diablo because of our arrangement with Demonio, and he always obtains the location information.

I never texted anyone for my pure enjoyment.

Yet, here I am, flirting with my client over a screen. Since he left Thursday morning, he had spammed my phone with memes, TikTok, photos of himself, and emojis, like it was his job. As opposed to my pictures, none of his photos were sexual, but he's sexy without trying.

In fact, he was dressed in steel-blue jeans and rugged black boots, paint up to his elbows, and a green smear across one cheek. He was crouching from how low the canvas is positioned, working a paintbrush, his triceps firm and veins poking out from his arm. He glances back over his shoulder, probably putting his phone on a timer to capture this aesthetic look.

It's sweet.

He's creating another painting of me in his favorite place-- his art studio.

The main focal point was the canvas he was painting, another piece of me, but I couldn't take my eyes off Asiel. He's my handsome addiction wrapped in seaweed-- salty and flavorful. Like his come. Jesus fucking christ. This man has me horner than a fucking dog! At this point, I'm going to be grinding against a pillow until he finally eases up and fucks me.

My attention diverts to the new notification on my phone from the one and only Asiel. The message brings me to the internet to TikTok again as another romantic song from Sam smith fills my ears. It's a plain ocean blue background with a paragraph deep in white reading--

"Have you ever met someone and they're so fucking perfect in every way? And maybe they aren't perfect to everybody, but to you, they're just absolutely amazing. The way they laugh and smile and talk and think and look and just everything about them and everything they do just keeps amazing you."

Along with a kissy face emoji and a pink thumping heart.

"Por qué se sonroja?" Isabela blurts, her nose scrunching with confusion.

(Why are you blushing?)

My phone nearly tumbles from my palm because of her obnoxiously loud voice. "I'm not blushing. Also, no Spanish. You're supposed to be practicing your English for school, Isabela."

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