Four- Asiel

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"What?" Haziness clouded my thoughts

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"What?" Haziness clouded my thoughts.

His brown irises shine with superiority. "Mika. She goes by Mika."


"Is she... an Angele?"

His tongue pokes the inside of his cheeks to suppress the beginning of a victory smile. "The finest of them all. She has a whole waitlist of people who want her, which of course means, a piece of her time is worth... a lot. But everyone says she's worth every penny. Isn't she just gorgeous?"

His expression conveys all. Diablo's exceptional plan slowly broke through the cracks. I am falling, rapidly. I wanted to meet Mika. But she is his power play, his queen. I can't commit to a world of destruction just for a woman.

"I should get goi-." My response is zipped shut as El Diablo yanks me into a vacant private booth. The blinds drape around are blackout solid red, altering the atmosphere into another universe, a destructive, ominous one.

"Consider this as a gift from me, Jefe de Morterero cartel. It must be miserable to be forced into the industry because of your brother's tragedy. Let me give you a free taste of what we have to offer."

He disappears through the darkened curtains, leaving me to fend for myself in this secluded area. The idea of sneaking to the exit slipped through my thoughts, but it's like I'm compelled to stay. Frustration grows in my chest at the lack of Wi-Fi on my phone.

I have to get out of here.

"Hello?" The tone of her voice sounded too sweet. Her dainty, innocent, siren-type eyes penetrate through mine. She passes through the blinds, in her same outfit from the strip show, with two tumblers and a bottle of wine in hand.

"Um, hello...uh, Mika?"

Is this my gift from Diablo?

"My name sounds sexy coming from your lips," she replies, flicking her long, black hair behind her shoulders, revealing a crescent moon tattoo on her shoulder blade. "I wonder what other sexy noises come from those."

I purse my lips in hopes of seeming unenthusiastic. "Keep wondering."

Mika tilts her head, her siren-eyes morphing into a naive glare. With a ghost of a smile on her plump lips, she bends over, her ass cheeks in full view as she pours wine into our tumblers. Her small waist, large hips were sculptured by God. Our gaze clashes like a shot to my chest. My cheeks grow warm, red splotches emerging on my skin. She caught me red-handed.

It is so feverish.

She strides to the couch, sitting close enough for our legs to touch, and hands me a glass. "It's my personal favorite. What do you go by?"

"Asiel." I mix the wine around in the glass, trying to pretend I was so fucking interested in the drink. "Um, may I ask why you are here?"

"My boss, Diablo, cleared the rest of my schedule for tonight." Her nude gloss stains the cup. "I'm supposed to give you a lap dance, which I'm totally okay with, but you Ojos de àngel seem a bit tense. Was he wrong to get me? Am I not good enough?"

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