Epilogue Part Two

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Make sure to have the playlist playing with these 4 songs (in this order) Don't be gone too long, Almost is Never Enough, Never let you go, and The truth untold ❤️

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Make sure to have the playlist playing with these 4 songs (in this order) Don't be gone too long, Almost is Never Enough, Never let you go, and The truth untold ❤️

Eleanor sighs as she recrosses her legs, closing her booklet on her lap. "Mila, we are just wasting time here if you don't speak to me."

I blow out a bubble big enough to touch my nose. "I have answered every question you threw at me. What more do you want?"

Eleanor scratches the back of her head, twitching her bun. "One-word responses aren't really answering. Mila, we don't need to waste each other's time. It's been months since our first session, and you have made no effort to open up. I feel like you're holding back — the reason, I'm not sure."

I roll my eyes.

Since when can everyone read me like a fucking textbook? I didn't even want to attend these weekly sessions with Eleanor. I'm only here because Isabela threatened to kick me out if I don't make an effort to be happy-- whatever the hell that means. Eleanor is delightful and all, but I don't understand how a therapist is supposed to help me.

My problems are far beyond being fixable.

It's not like I don't want to discuss the root of the problem, but how am I supposed to disclose all the horrible things I've done to Eleanor? Then what? I go to jail for the garden of corpses I've created all my life? It's just better to keep everything bottled up inside-- I'm used to it.

Eleanor taps her pen on the notepad, shaking her leg. "Let's change the subject. Have you been sleeping, Mila? Is the new prescription I prescribed working?"

My finger plays with the engagement ring around my neck. Good question. The nightmares are a daily thing. It's a wash and repeat of when Asiel found out the truth, but the terror ended with his death. Sometimes I think sleeping through months because of my coma caused this side effect. But I have been getting four hours of sleep, so an improvement is a win.

"Yeah." I yawn, covering my mouth with my palm. "The medication is doing its job right now. Thank you."

She smiles. "You're welcome. Let me know if anything changes. Sleep is the most important thing for our bodies."


Eleanor scribbles on her notepad. "How about work? I know you've been jumping around, but you have been working at the boutique for a few months now."

My face scrunches up with boredom. "It's okay-- I mean, it's work after all. I've been promoted from a store clerk to an assistant stylist mainly because the head of the company has a hard-on for me. Though, I'm pretty hardworking. Life is a continuous cycle of the same thing."

"How about your colleagues? Are they nice?"

I purse my lips. "Umm... I wouldn't know. I don't hang out with them. Unless it's mandatory, I rather minimize my interactions with people."

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