Twenty-Four Asiel

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Roses are red

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Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

You are you.

And I'm crazy about you.

Cringe. With a frustrated breath, I crumble the piece of paper and toss it into the garbage can. It's my twentieth attempt at writing a sweet poem for the apple of my eye. Mika. My thoughts turn into goo when I think about her, resulting in every poem being cringy. It's so childish, but I wanted to spoil her in ways she has never been.

How else am I supposed to spoil a woman who can buy the entire world?

Earlier, I picked out the freshest flowers and assembled a homemade bouquet. Black paper with cut-out pink hearts is tied around the stems of the flowers, finished with a pink bow. In the morning, I woke up before my papa, so I had free authority in the kitchen without any questions. Using the help of Rosalina, my familia's personal maid, she offered to bake delicious chocolate goods for Mika.

I tap the pen against my forehead as I try to think of something non-cringy to write. My anxiety spikes as the clock ticks continuously, every minute getting closer to my session with Mika. Groaning, I debate over banging my head against the wooden desk in hopes of it knocking some sense into me.

My body jerks at the unexpected knock on my office door.

"Come in," I announce.

I hear the door open and close and watch Mateo approach my desk, a cordial expression on his face. He observes me with a concerned gleam, taking note of the squalor plaguing my office. Crushed papers are scattered all over the room from my failed attempt at being a basketball player. My body trembles with horror as Mateo picks up one of the pages and straightens it.

"Don't open i-." My protest comes too late.

"Pink, orange, yellow mix together to form a sunset. We mix together to form one set," he recites, chuckling like a manic. "Who the fuck has you writing poems? Shittys one especially."

My cheeks are burning. "No one. I was just practicing my English skills. You know, it being my second language and all."

He narrows his eyes, his lips curling into an amused grin. "Asiel, you're the worst liar on the planet. So why are you even bothering? Now, who's got my baby cousin turning into Shakespeare?"

Internally, I'm pounding my head against the wall. It wasn't like I enjoyed keeping Mika a dirty little secret, but I don't know how to explain our relationship. Also, the fact she was seen with Luka at his family gathering won't get her any points with mine. My head is spiraling from all the lies my cousins will spew to get me to cut ties.

If only they knew, it's just one-sided.

I swallow the nerves down my throat. "U-Um, I don't feel comfortable talking about this."

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