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Vigorous music fades as I follow Stella down the hallway to Diablo's office

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Vigorous music fades as I follow Stella down the hallway to Diablo's office. Ruby red bulbs hang from the torchiere floor lamps, dimming the closer we get to his post. Dozen of escorts, employees, and bodyguards drift back and forth through the halls, exiting in all sorts of directions. Diablo's Paraiso has so many hideouts. I'm surprised there hasn't been an incident here.

Stella extends her arms, gesturing for me to enter his quarters. I send a small smile of appreciation and step into his office. Diablo sends a quick grin, pointing at his phone, and mouths one minute. Foreign words, possibly Japanese, fly from his lips, frustration apparent in the grooves of his face.

He plugs the cell phone between his ear and shoulders, using his empty hands to pour glasses of scotch. His office is simply embellished with long, vertical file cabinets on his wall. The plain black walls are decorated with extravagant paintings of animals. On his steel desk, messy crush-up papers make it seem cluttered along with his photo frames. My attention lingers on one picture, specifically.

It's younger Mika with bright fiery red locks clinging onto Diablo, the brightest smile shining on her face. Red hair, huh? Is it weird to say how fucking beautiful she looked in it? The only downside was Diablo, with his smug grin and hands attached to her waist. What is their relationship? Is it solely professional or does it pass ethical lines? Regardless, I wanted to burn his hand off until he could feel the fire scorching within me.

Diablo drops the phone on his desk. "Sorry, Asiel. I'd to deal with management problems."

I nod, flapping my hand. "No need to explain. I appreciate you making some time in your busy schedule to meet with me."

He uncuffs his sleeves, rolling them to his elbow, and leans back in his chair. "Of course. So, why have you decided to pay a visit? Is it to bid for the Mika? I'd never pin you as someone who would pay for a prostitute."

My brow shoots up in confusion. "Bid for Mika? What's that about? Also, I would appreciate it if you didn't refer to her as a prostitute. She's a human being first."

Diablo raises his brow. Surprise quickly passes his dark gaze. "Ah, I would've thought Mika explained it since you seem... really infatuated with her, especially since you feel the need to defend her. To put it in simple terms, Mika is our most purchased Angele and has a waiting list reaching months from now. We give opportunities for clients who wish to skip the line to bid the highest amount and win a night with Mika. It's a simple concept."

It would be a lie if I said I never thought about spending a night with Mika. Lately, my showers lasted longer as I pump my cock with my hand, wishing, cherishing, pretending it was her. But being at this club alone is enough temptation to last a lifetime. Our encounters had been no longer than an hour together and I fought tooth and nail with myself to stay strong. If I participated in this bidding war, I wouldn't last two seconds alone with Mika.

I'll slip through the seduction and satisfy my needs.

My needs to fuck her brains out.

I shake my head, dismissing all my inappropriate thoughts about Mika, and focus on my intentions with Diablo. The slithering snake ink on his wrist grabs my attention, speaking volumes in this moment of silence. It's almost like a warning. As if working with Diablo is a shaky staircase, ready to crumble in seconds.

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