Seventy-Seven Mika

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The time ticks at an agonizing pace

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The time ticks at an agonizing pace.

However, tonight it's a blessing. I want Asiel to come home, but I also don't mind waiting all night long. My throat knots up whenever I try to practice the speech I wrote. How embarrassing. I made flashcards with everything I wanted to explain and say, pouring my heart out, but I know when Asiel is in front of me — I'm going to choke.

How am I supposed to take away his happiness? He's going to lose faith in everything. I wish love was perfect, like in the movies. The only beauty of love is love itself. It's frankly a fragment of my imagination — nothing like the movies. It suffocates my heart to know I will ruin the idea of love for him because of my selfishness.

It's the one thing he always looked forward to.

My alarm rings-- it's three in the morning. Wow. I guess Asiel is having a lot of fun with them. I didn't think they had much in common, but he deserves time to himself. Hopefully, he's drunk. It gives me an excuse to hold up until the morning, and when he's sober-- functioning to understand everything I'm going to throw at him.

I yawn, growing bored with the word puzzle game on my phone. Should I brush my teeth? If he's drunk, he will want to go straight to bed, and once I'm in Asiel's arms, there's no way out. I should probably shower, too. Or bath. Oh god. That sounds fucking fantastic, especially with the new bath bomb Asiel brought me.

Stripping off my clothing, I drop them in the corner of the bathroom and fill the bathtub with steaming hot water. It isn't an actual bath if you aren't burning your skin off. Now, which bath bomb should I go for? Sex bomb or deep sleep? Well, if Asiel is drunk-- he probably won't want to fuck, so the sex bomb would go to waste. Logically speaking, deep sleep it is.

A sudden crashing sound comes from outside of the bathroom. Before I could lock the bathroom door, the door swings open, revealing Asiel in his gray Brioni suit.

I bounce back. "Jesus Christ. You almost gave me a heart attack." I playfully chaise, gripping my chest. "How was the bachelor's party? Did you get white girl wasted?" My lips turn up in a smile, despite his very stoic expression.

"It was fine."

My stomach stirs with concern as he continues staring at me, his serious expression growing foreboding. "Is everything okay?"

He stalks towards me, craning his neck down to look into my eyes. "Everything is peachy."

I don't have the chance to say anymore, because his lips smash into mine in a painful, vicious kiss. There's no sincerity or tenderness in the kiss the way there usually is. This isn't like Asiel. It reminds me of those nights I spent with Diablo, how forceful he was with me. The way I thought all fucking was until Asiel showed me a different way.

It's aggressive, demanding, almost punishing, but I go with the flow, kissing him back. My arms rest on his back as he grips my cheeks with enough strength to bruise them. He consumes me like an apple pie. Goddammit, I should've gone with the sex bomb.

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