Twenty-Three Mika

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Whirls of wind pass over my head as I easily dodge his failed attempt at a punch

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Whirls of wind pass over my head as I easily dodge his failed attempt at a punch. It's awful, but compared to yesterday, it's a masterpiece. Something tells me Asiel is a lover, not a fighter. Ignoring the tattoos and stereotypically emotionless broodings that follow Mafia leaders, I can attest to Asiel being the nerdy type in high school. Any techniques Asiel came in with were in need of a desperate retouch.

He leans his biceps on the wall, miserably trying to gather his breath. "How the hell does everyone fight for longer than five minutes?"

His statement makes me giggle as I barely move a muscle during the duration of the lesson. "You are trying too hard. It's good practice for real-time, but I'm not trying to hurt you. The priority is for you to learn the proper mechanics."

Asiel makes a beeline to the refrigerator, grabbing a fresh bottle of water. After taking a hefty swallow, he spills the rest over his head, seeping into his plain muscle tee. My clit swells, aches with hunger, and the tension between my legs grows and grows at the translucent material. It clutches the ridges of his abs in ways I didn't know were fucking possible.


Never have I desperately wanted to suck off a man more than right now.

"When can we finish our session, Sensei?" Asiel asks, shaking the water off his head.

"Am I not fun enough for you? Are you tired of me already?" I tease, narrowing my hazy eyes as I inch back towards the wall.

His eyes widen in alarm. "No!" he accidentally screams before awkwardly coughing. "I mean, of course not. I j-just thought maybe we could do something other than play fighting."

Asiel's cheeks turn bright pink, matching his ears as I creep closer, enclosing him between my body and the refrigerator. He visibly gulps, his green irises fully dilated with fear, lust, and captivation. Standing on my tippy toes, I snake my hand around his neck, tilting downward until our foreheads touch.

"What did you have planned?"

He doesn't fight against my touch, surrendering like cattle on a farm. Heat emits from his skin, colliding with the coldness within mine. He closes his eyes for a moment as I keep mine open, watching how he transports to a peaceful medium when I'm with him. Blazing fires erupt from my arms as his grips trail up my waist.

"It's a secret," he whispers.

My lips tip to a smug smirk. "Here, I thought, we were finally going to fuck."

Asiel almost busts a lung from his obnoxiously loud laughter. "N-No. Gosh, you have such a dirty mouth. It's really fucking sexy, but I have something else planned."

My eyebrows perk in confusion. "FYI, I don't like surprises."

The aftermath of his laughter fest causes his nose to glide against mine, and he breaks into a boyish grin. "This one will be worth it, I promise. For once in your life, let go of the handlebars and trust me. If all else fails. I promise to go down like the sunset on you and make you cum harder than ever before."

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