Eighty-One Mika

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I couldn't do it

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I couldn't do it.

I couldn't fucking do it.

I couldn't look into Asiel's broken irises and tell him the truth about his brother. He's already been through so much with being betrayed left and right. How can I add his brother to the mix? Asiel idolizes him, and if I ruin that, he might be hopeless. It would be gut-wrenching to discover the truth about a horrendous human being known as his brother. His life has been flipped upside down enough—I just couldn't.

This is what I deserved. This is my punishment, to carry the truth with me forever. I understand now the burden I will always carry. Outside Asiel's home gate, I sob my little heart out, sliding down until my ass hits the floor. It's hideous. Snot trickles down my nose, mixing with my tears. You shouldn't be crying, Mika. You did this to yourself. There's nobody else to blame but yourself.

After ten minutes of sitting on the ground sobbing, I dry my eyes and cheeks and get up. It will get easier as time passes--I just have to fight through the misery. Throwing my hoodie over my head, I switch to the other street and walk two blocks before hearing a faint crack of a branch. Slowly, I look back at both sides of the street to find nobody-- only branches swaying in the wind, littering the floor with their leaves.

"If you're thinking of robbing me, I have nothing on me," I yell into thin air.

Nobody responds.

The streetlight glitches turning dim before bursting a yellowish tint on the street.

I sigh and continue walking down the block. Suddenly, four pairs of arms grab my limbs, cutting my ability to move. Instantly, I fight against their harsh strength and scream my head off like the girls in horror movies. My persistence makes them angrier. Another body enters the frame with a ski mask on its face and cloth in hand. Fuck.

My screaming gets me nowhere, and they jam the cloth over my mouth and nose. A foggy, hazy, grass-like odor invades my nose, throwing my body off balance. My fight dies down as I feel my head getting wonky and sleepy. Goddammit! This is why feelings make a person vulnerable. I didn't even notice anyone following me.

The old Mika would.

I blink.



Then all I see is pitch-black darkness.

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