Eighty-Five Mika

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Our eyes dart towards the vacant pistol in the middle of the room, and his head tilts as he ponders over who can reach it first

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Our eyes dart towards the vacant pistol in the middle of the room, and his head tilts as he ponders over who can reach it first. I close my eyes as I refrain from blowing out a frustrated breath. It's a never-ending batch of these fuckers. Opening my eyes back up, I clutch the handle of my blade and make a run for it.

Mateo's man drops to his knees to grab the pistol, and I jump on his shoulders, craning his head back, and slide the knife across his throat. I smirk as I watch his eyes widen fractionally, blood oozing from his throat.

"Hope you don't mind." I laugh, stealing the gun from his weak hold. "I'm going to need this more than you."

Opening the barrel, I catch three bullets left in the cartilage— three shells to get the fuck out of this hellhole. Pain radiates through my body as the adrenaline subsides, bringing my attention to my bleeding stomach. I hack up a coughing fest from the over-polluted air and rest my head on the wall, clutching my wound.

Blood strains my hand.

My tourniquet isn't working.

Just a few more minutes, Mika.

Sucking in a deep breath, I straighten back as if I am incapable of feeling pain and advance into the next room. My lips parts for a breath of surprise to tumble out. Fuck. Four men watch me warily as they grip the pistols in their jean pockets. Their eyes narrow, challenging me to-- go ahead, give us your best shot.

I twirl the blade between my fingertips. "I'll make this worth your while."

Cracking the kink in my neck, I shoot two bullets dead into two of their chests and tackle the other. The two bodies -thud- to the ground, and I kick the other in the stomach, using the frail body as a shield when the last man shoots him dead. I drop his body with a crazed smirk on my face and flirtatiously twirl my fingers.

"Now, it's just you." I wink.

His eyes turn icy, stoic as I knee him in the stomach, causing a grunt to escape him. I wrap my arm around his neck, yanking his entire body down to slam him against the floor. His eyes roll like a woozy cartoon, and I jump on his lap, gripping the blade with both hands. A dark smile across curves my lips as I stab, and stab-- and fucking stab.

Blood spats my face.

I sigh in relief.

I don't know how I managed to outsmart them.

Suddenly, a cry of pain and surprise escapes my throat as I bounce back from the force. My heart thumps a little faster when I see the collection of seven soldiers in front of me. Shit. My chest inflates and deflates rapidly and harshly as I take the single bullet into consideration. Another bullet strikes my shoulder, and I fall back, gnawing my lip in pain.

To protect, Asiel.

Everything will be worth it if he makes it out--alive.

From the corner of my eye, I catch a bullet heading my way, and I contort my body like acrobats do, missing the shell. Their rapid succession of fires dwindles as they have to reload--this is my chance to fuck them over. I fire my bullet at one of the random soldiers, causing his brain to decorate the walls. They click their guns back into place and fear easily washes over me.

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