Seventy-Three Mika

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Thankfully, as the days soar past like birds flying in the baby blue sky, the perfect opportunity arose

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Thankfully, as the days soar past like birds flying in the baby blue sky, the perfect opportunity arose. Tonight just so happens to be the night where Diablo recruits new clients for Diablo's Paraiso. While I usually bring in new Angeles, Diablo focuses on keeping the money flowing in with new clients every few months.

It's this entire process to be considered as a member of this esteemed establishment. For starters, clients have to make over five million dollars a year and are interested in the underground business. Just imagine accidentally inviting someone with morals — like actual morals like the fucking pope.

That's a horrible example since he's been here before, and I fucked his wrinkly shrimp dick. But there's a difference. Diablo tends to go for the individuals who effortlessly sway to the side of temptation, especially when money is a luxury to them. I guess that's how Asiel fell on his radar.

Sometimes I wished-- he hadn't.

Everything is morally grey these days.



Our relationship.

My involvement in his life drove him to be a man that he wasn't ready to conquer yet. A man with blood dripping down his wrists. He was supposed to remain pure, be the white dove flying in the chaos. Asiel was supposed to stay untouched, but he's tainted. Everything I wanted to protect him from ended up happening because I existed. My sole existence is a menace to this earth. To think for a second, I deserve to be with Asiel-- smh... it's a funny thought.

Pulling the bobby pin from my hair, letting my hair collapse in front of my face, I jiggle the lock until I hear it click. Because of Diablo's schedule, I'll have around three hours to scour through the house, but I expect to use half that time. I wouldn't want to risk running into Diablo here. I am prepared, with a gun strapped to my back and a knife tied to my thigh. Asiel's hoodie is baggy enough to hide everything.

With the magic of Pacho's hacking skills, he loops footage on Diablo's phone, causing the cameras to point at the floor. Wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans, I dig through his bookshelf for anything out of place. There's nothing unusual. A lot of psychological books since Diablo loves to expand his knowledge. The books alone cause me to yawn and grow bored, almost forgetting my purpose in breaking into this house.

After I leave everything the way I found it, I wander to his second floor and burst into his office room. It's a plain room with beige walls and a matching darker beige desk in the corner of the room. Everything was left in perfect condition-- stacks of papers lined up perfectly, pens and pencils in their container, the computer mouse in the middle of the pad-- perfectly symmetrical.

I'm starting to think Diablo has OCD.

Rolling the chair out, I sink into the cushion material and shake the mouse roughly to wake the computer. The black screen explodes with the basic windows background and password on the main screen. Shit. Diablo wouldn't have left the password written down, right? Pursing my lips, I peek through his drawers to see them completely empty.

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