Sixty-one Mika

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My heartbeat slams into my throat, and I crinkle the piece of paper in my hands

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My heartbeat slams into my throat, and I crinkle the piece of paper in my hands. It feels like I've just been punched in the face, knocking all the air out of my lungs. My feet lock into place as if the universe chained my legs, dragging me to hell-- where I belong. I'm crumbling into particles of a disappearing soul.

Tears well in my eyes, making the name on the page blurrier by the second. My entire body trembles and I'm putting everything out in the open for Diablo to see. Not on purpose, but I can't stop. Who the fuck wants him dead? He hasn't done a single thing wrong. Asiel would give up the leadership. Why doesn't this person step up and ask him for it?

I'm speaking fucking nonsense.

My eyes flick up to see Diablo's numb gaze. "W-Who... Who was it?"

His lips tense for a moment, then finally he speaks. "Mika, you know I can't tell you that."

"Just this once." I gnaw at my lip, raising my pointer finger for extra emphasis. "Tell me who sent the hit."

His eyes soften as they float over me. "I can't."

Frustration seeps through my veins, fueling my anger as I rip the page into shreds. The pieces fall to the floor like fluttering snow. Bending over the desk, I aggressively latch onto Diablo's collar and yank him until we're centimeters apart.

"Eugene." My voice betrays me, but it's not like my actions are framing me in a good light. "Please. I never ask for anything. Please."

Diablo exhales deeply, his minty breath flooding into my nostrils. "No."

My grip tightens on his collar as I try to think of ways to torture the name out of him. Maybe I could just kill him for being such a nuisance to me. What's the point of keeping him around if I get nothing from it? All Diablo is a reminder of the dark shadow in my soul charging the evil demon.

Diablo sighs, rolling his eyes. "I won't tell you even if you torture me or threaten to kill me. I was the one who trained you. You know my capabilities better than anyone, Mika. Just like I know yours."

I close my eyes, trying to grab onto a single thread of dignity as the tears fight to escape. Why am I like this? When did I become so fucking fragile? My head sinks as I breathe in and out, trying to keep a rhythmic pattern.

"I can't. I can't d-."

Diablo cuts me off by covering my mouth with his palm. "Just do the fucking job. I believe in you."

"You don't understand," I protest, my voice conveying conviction. "I can't."

"Your life will be at stake if you don't. Take the job. The deadline is one month. A lot can happen in a month. Your whole little relationship could be done by then," he states casually. "If you cancel the job, whoever ordered it will find someone who can do it. Asiel could die in a week. At least, if you take the job, he died by your hand-- isn't that romantic. A grand finale for your first relationship."

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